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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Impacts of Rural Electrification in Omuma Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria

Ubani Princewill, John Baris Dekor, Neebee Bonny

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Ken Saro – Wiwa Polytechnic Bori, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: Ubani, Princewill.

Abstract: The study investigated the impacts of rural electrification project in omuma local government area of rivers state Nigeria. strongly, the analysis addressed two unambiguous objectives; to determine the impacts of rural electrification on land uses, explore the relationship between rural electrification and poverty eradication, and evaluate the variation of rural electrification impact across the communities. The structured questionnaire method was adopted for information achievement across the rural communities whereas Pearson product moment Correlation coefficient and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were the analytical or methodical tools pragmatic for data analysis. The examination revealed that land use activities: commercial, industrial, institutional and residential were positively impacted by the rural electrification in omuma local government. Discovered that there was a strong relationship between household income of (R = 0.44, p<.05),employment (R= 0.46, p<.05) and rural electrification. The investigation additionally shown that there was a significant difference (p< 001) of rural electrification impact across the communities. It is the utmost view of the research that since rural electrification impact differs across the communities, town planning authority and town planners in private and consultancy services should take cognizance of this when planning and allotting of various developmental land use activities across the communities. Specific town planning policies and programs should also focused on employment and income generation to decline poverty in the area.

Keywords: impact, rural, electrification, community and poverty


Rural electrification is one of the prominent infrastructural facilities needed for the development and renovation of rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. It is a serious and significant transformer of the physical and economic settings of a rural community. But the poor quality and deficiency of electricity in remote areas has severely increased poverty rate, human health, decrease peoples welfare, agricultural productivity, industrial, commercial activities and recreational economy of the rural populace at large. Apart from that, REMAINS a central necessity without which rural transformation is incomplete, impossible and cannot be realized (Researchers Survey 2019).

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