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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Impacts of Sisyphean Socio-Political Intsability on Tourism in Belo Subdivision, North West Region-Cameroon

 Nfor Delphine Mbongsi1 and Nges Marcel2
1Lecturer of Geography, Department of Geography and Planning, The University of Bamenda, P.O Box 39, Bambili-Cameroon.
2Department of Geography and Planning, The University of Bamenda, P.O Box 39, Bambili-Cameroon.
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Tourism as an act of leisure and recreation is the main income generator in the world today. In sub Saharan Africa (SSA), tourism has surfaced as one of the leading industries that provide economic benefits to independent governments. Although it is beneficial to economic development, the decision to travel by a tourist is influenced by a sound social cohesive environment void of political instability, violence, and terrorism. The Sisyphean socio-political instability existing between the state and separatists in the restive Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon denotes an obstacle to the tourism industry in Belo subdivision in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. The continuous weight exerted by the socio-political instability on tourism in Belo subdivision attracts research effort. To assess this continuous weigh, qualitative and quantitative methods of data sourcing were employed for secondary and primary data collection. Related literature was reviewed alongside oral histories captured through interviews, informal discussions, and questionnaire administration to 68 respondents in households as well as field observation which constituted methods of data procurement for the analysis of the impacts of the Sisyphean socio-political instability the subdivision. Quantitative data were processed and presented in the form of tables and graphics for descriptive analysis while qualitative data were processed using in-vivo codes, analytical codes and themes. Results reveal that 76.47% of rural residents acknowledged a decrease in the value of the touristic potentials while 89.5% confirmed that most of the potentials are covered with overgrown vegetation. Results also reveal that 75.6% agreed that there is a decrease in the number of visitors. To transcend this unabated instability, both state and separatist leaders should come to a consensus and give peace a chance. The subdivision should be granted incentives for infrastructural renovation around touristic potentials sites.

Keywords: Socio-political instability, touristic potentials, tourism activities, Belo subdivision


Tourism is now a global industry involving hundreds of millions of people in international as well as domestic travel each year (Mason, 2003) and it has been estimated that a total of US$1,401.5 billion was globally generated in 2016 in visitor exports (WTTC, 2017, Immanuel, 2019), creating quality jobs and substantial wealth for economies around the world (Abam, 2017, World Travel and Tourism Council, 2019). It comes second only to oil as the world’s leading export commodity, accounting for global earnings of more than $300


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