International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705
Implement Design Thinking Methodology for Prototyping a Smart Farm Application to Monitor, Control and view real-time data Analytics through SAP BUILD
[1]Ashiq MI, 2Kumaran Anbalagan, [3]Senthilkumar Balashanmugam, [4]Sreedhar Nuthalapati V
[1]Associate Projects, Cognizant Technology Solutions, India
[2]Associate Director, Cognizant Technology Solutions, India
[3]Manager, Cognizant Technology Solutions, India
[4]Senior Manager, Cognizant Technology Solutions, India
Abstract – Agriculture being the backbone of many growing nations. Government and Individual estates, cultivated with cash crops and plantations with high dollar value are always in risk of being stolen, destroyed by wild animals and prone to forest fires attacks. The forest resources being nurtured for better return on investment needs frequent monitoring all day through one or more security personnel along with updating daily labor activities and farm produce of the crops, which is done manually and verification on the same is done on weekly basis. The loss of vegetative produce cannot be pointed towards an Individual, group or wild animals to the Police Station or Forest Department without prior evidence like some kind of a snapshot or video recording that needs to be submitted for further process. Prevention is better than cure and an application, which would integrate technology, to resolve this is need of the hour for Agriculturist’s.
In the past, design has most often occurred fairly far downstream in the development process and has focused on making new products aesthetically attractive or enhancing brand perception through smart, evocative advertising. Today, as innovation’s terrain expands to encompass human-centered processes and services as well as products, companies are asking designers to create ideas rather than to simply dress them up. Brown, the CEO and president of the innovation and design firm IDEO, is a leading proponent of design thinking – a method of meeting people’s needs and desires in a technologically feasible and strategically viable way. [1]It blends an end-user focus with multidisciplinary collaboration and iterative improvement to produce innovative products, systems, and services. Design Thinking creates a vibrant interactive environment that promotes learning through rapid conceptual prototyping [2], and problem solving approach that focuses on people and their emotional responses. [3]Injecting design thinking into the organization’s DNA is the secret to a long-term, sustainable innovation mind-set. SAP has adapted the methodology to fit both the customers’ needs and internal needs, and has been evolving design thinking for use on the shop floor, the IT suite, the C-suite, and even the board of directors’ suite.