RSIS International

Implementasi Policy Revitalization of Local Values in Strengthening National Culture in Palu City

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XI, November 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Implementasi Policy Revitalization of Local Values in Strengthening National Culture in Palu City

Hidayat1, Muhammad Basir2, Nawawi Natsir3, Hasbullah4
1Doctoral Student in Social and Political Sciences, Postgraduate Tadulako University, Indonesia
2Departemen of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Indonesia
3,4Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Tadulako University, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper


ABSTRACT:- This research focuses on 2 (two) problem formulations, namely How is the effectiveness of the implementation of the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in strengthening the cultural character of the nation in PaluCity ?. How are the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in strengthening the cultural character of the nation in Palu City? This study uses qualitative research methods. The results show: The implementation of the revitalization policy of the local wisdom values of Palu City has been effective. This can be seen from the results of the analysis of the 6 (six) variables under study indicate that the implementation of the policy has gone according to expectations. However, in terms of output, the implementation of this policy has not been optimal. Inhibiting factors for implementing the revitalization policy of local wisdom values in Palu City, based on the results of the analysis of the 6 (six) variables studied, it shows that there are 2 (two) factors, namely the weakness of the executor’s ability to interpret the substance of the policy, still weak coordination between institutions Meanwhile, the supporting factors are the presence of adequate human and financial resources, the characteristics of the executing agent, the attitude of the implementing agency, and conducive economic, social and political conditions.

Keywords: Local wisdom, Kaili tribe, Revitalization


Indonesia is a large country gifted by God the Almighty with various potentials, both population potential and abundant natural potential. The population potential is not only a large enough number, namely 268,583,916 people (BPS, 2020), there is also a diversity of tribes / ethnicities as many as 1340 ethnicities (BPS census, 2010), which then creates a very fascinating cultural diversity, including language diversity. regions totaling 746 regional languages (Indonesian Language Center, 2013). Likewise, there are 6 (six) major religions as the official religion followed by the population, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. The existence of the six religions has been constitutionally recognized by the Republic of Indonesia through Article 29 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution.
In From the aspect of natural resource potential, the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which consists of 17,508 islands spread from Sabang to Merauke, and from Miangas to Rote Island, contains various potential natural resources which are abundant both in the mainland and in the region. marine waters, all of which are invaluable assets of the nation.