Implementation of Programs under the Child-Friendly School Systems (CFSS): Response to Sustainable Development Goals
Marita S. Magat
Partido State University, Goa, Camarines Sur, Region V, Philippines
Abstract- The study assessed the implementation of child-friendly school system (CFSS) programs in Camarines Sur, Philippines. Specifically, it presented a profile of programs; assessed the sustainability, relevance, and accessibility; and determined the degree of achievement of the expected outputs of the programs. The study utilized a mixed model of quantitative and qualitative methods. It used a validated researcher-made questionnaire as a data-gathering instrument. Triangulation through structured interview and secondary documents analysis was conducted. Stratified and random sampling was used to determine the samples of students and teachers while the fishbowl technique was used to draw samples of public schools both in secondary and elementary levels in the whole province of Camarines Sur. Total enumeration of school heads was considered in the Key Informants Interview (KII).
The study reveals that majority of the programs were relevant, accessible, and sustainable. The achievement of the CFSS outcomes such as retention rate and percentage of well-nourished children are relatively satisfactory while the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in National Achievement Test (NAT) is low average. The programs addressed Goal 2 (Zero Hunger); Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being); Goal 4 (Quality Education); Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation); Goal 13 (Climate Action) and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The programs that were commonly implemented by school respondents are Brigada Eskwela Plus; Youth for Environment in School (YES); Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP). Massive anti-child labor and anti-bullying campaigns; intensified linkages and resource generation; recovery and sustainability measures for inactive programs which are relevant but no longer implemented were some of the recommendations.
Keywords- Child-Friendly Schools, Implementation, Sustainable Development Goals
The success of every child and his future depends on the quality of education he receives. Educating the child should be the state’s utmost priority to produce a community of productive citizens. Quality education establishes a child’s lifelong skills in coping with the CFS challenges in the 21st century.
A little over twenty-five (25) years after signing the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA), some countries have made great headway in ensuring universal basic education. Despite the 1994 EFA Declaration,