RSIS International

Improving Power Availability of the National Power System Using Solar-Based Enhanced Distributed Generation Technology

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue IV, April 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Improving Power Availability of the National Power System Using Solar-Based Enhanced Distributed Generation Technology

Ofure Imomon1, James Eke2, Linus Anih3, Dorathy Abonyi4
1,2,4Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
3University of Nigeria, Nsukka

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In this paper, I developed a standard for connecting a solar-based enhanced distributed generation technology to the national utility grid which is expected to improve the poor state of electric power supply in Nigeria. The photovoltaic system generated 250MW solar power which was injected into the national utility grid. The 250MW will be gotten from five locations in the country as each location will generate 50MW to the national utility grid. The photovoltaic system will utilize equipment such as photovoltaic modules, boost converters, inverter, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), step-up transformers etc. which was interconnected together to feed the 132/33kV substation. The total number of photovoltaic modules, inverters, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), step-up transformer etc. was also depicted. The total area needed for the installation of 50MW for one location as well as for the five locations for the solar based power was put into consideration for the work. The analysis on the effect of the solar module on the varying temperature with constant irradiance and constant temperature with varying irradiance was depicted. Furthermore, the Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation (BEME) of the entire work were written. The simulation carried out in this work was done with MATLAB software. Finally, It was realised that additional 250MW was integrated into the Nigeria utility grid and was generated from five locations in Nigeria.

Keywords- Solar, Generation, Power system, Technology, Photovoltaic system


The use of renewable energy to generate electricity has gotten the interest of researchers for many years. Renewable energy such as Hydro, Solar, and wind has gotten more development in the past decade in many countries of the world.

During the past decades, three major changes have occurred in power systems [12]; firstly, it has become more difficult for system operators to obtain public acceptance for building new overhead lines, making the overall process of grid expansion longer and more complicated. Secondly, enormous establishment of new renewable energy sources has begun happening. Thirdly, Large-scale installation of new renewable energy sources has started occurring. There have been utilities (such as electricity generation and transmission of electricity) which have been unbounded following advancement of electricity markets, thus splitting generation and transmission activities. Uninterrupted power supply is of paramount

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