RSIS International

Improving Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using Routing Technique

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Improving Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using Routing Technique

Eze O. P., Prof. G.N Onoh, Prof. Eke J.
Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The delay in transmitting piece of information in our communication network as a result of inefficiency spectrum sensing has become a very big problem in our communication network this present era. The delay in transmitting network as a result of inefficiency in spectrum sensing can be overcome by improving spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using routing technique. It is done in this manner, characterizing the network understudy, determining the interference, congestion, high bit error rate, low signal to noise ratio from the characterized network that prevents spectrum sensing and causes network failure, designing a routing rule base that reduces interference, congestion in the network thereby enhances spectrum sensing and network performance, determining the shortest route that enhances easy flow of data and spectrum sensing, training the rule base to stick strictly in reducing interference, congestion and enhancing spectrum sensing, designing an algorithm for trained rule sensing in the network, designing a Simulink model for improving spectrum sensing in cognitive radio without using routing technique, designing a Simulink model for improving spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using routing technique and justifying and validating the network performance conventionally and using routing technique . The result obtained is conventional congestion of 3.05 and congestion when routing technique is used is 1.1000. The percentage congestion reduction when routing technique is used over conventional approach is 46.98%. With this results obtained, it shows that using routing technique has better spectrum sensing ability and free communication network than when conventional method is applied.

Keywords: Spectrum, Sensing Cognitive radio, Routing


Cognitive radio emerged as a solution to spectrum scarcity problem (Rashad et al, 2014). The radio frequency is a limited natural resource and getting higher day by day due to growing demand in wireless communication application. To operate on a specific frequency band, licenses are needed. The use of radio spectrum in each country is governed by corresponding government agencies.