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Inclusive Classroom Management (Case Study in Early Childhood Education)

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue V, May 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Inclusive Classroom Management (Case Study in Early Childhood Education)

Ridha Mentari Dwansiˡ, Sowiyah², Irawan Suntoro³
1,2,3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:-Classroom management aims to create an atmosphere of learning that is effective and fun and can motivate students to learn well according to ability. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe: planning of learning, organizing the physical environment of the class, implementing the social environment, and evaluating problems in classroom management in early childhood education in inclusion in one selected school in Lampung Province, Indonesia. The method used in this research was qualitative with a case study design. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, participant observation and study of documents. The results showed that (1) learning planning was arranged every of new school year, referring to the national education curriculum with modification. (2) organizing the physical environment of the classroom was through the arrangement learning support objects in the classroom, such as seating, air circulation, lighting, learning media, blackboards, cabinets, wall hangings, etc. (3) actuating social environment was focused on activities that provide direction for students to actively learn and focus on the application of the learning process. (4) controlling problems in classroom management took steps to determine what should be done, how to control it, and if necessary make improvements.

Keywords: Classroom management, inklusive classroom, and kinder garden inclusion.


Class management is an important part of supporting the learning process in schools. The success of educational goals through learning activities in schools is influenced by many factors, one of which is managerial. Research conducted by Nurlina (2010) shows that in increasing the effectiveness of the learning process there are several components that affect learning, one of which is the influence of classroom management. Therefore class management is needed in managing the learning process.

Organizing systematic learning process activities is the core of classroom management. In class management the manager is the teacher or educator, so that the educator has the authority and responsibility to carry out some class management activities by carrying out management functions. Terry (2009) divides four basic management functions which includes planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. This was confirmed by the results of the study Delceva (2014) “Teacher as an efficient classroom manager needs to have skills to plan and prepare for the education process, know how to organize the teaching and how to guide the class”.