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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Influence of Alcohol and substance use on the psychosocial wellbeing among of the adolescents and the young people. A case of Eldoret Town and its environs: Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

Dr. Bundotich Sarah1, Dr. Caroline Wakoli2, Dr Lilian C. Kimaiyo-Kapkoi3
1Department of Educational Psychology, Management and Policy Studies, Alupe University
P.O.BOX 845-50400, Busia. Kenya.
2Department of Humanities and social sciences, Alupe University.
P.O.BOX 845-50400, Busia. Kenya.
3Department of Educational Psychology, Tom Mboya University. P.O.Box 199-40300, Homabay, Kenya.

IJRISS Call for paper

Background: Globally, drug and substance abuse is a socio-economic menace that is posing immeasurable threat to the lives of individuals and socio-economic development. World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that alcohol use and misuse accounts for 3.3 million deaths annually. Kenya tops the list of east African countries with Uganda following closely in alcohol consumption rates respectively. Further, it has been noted that the majority of the consumers are in urban settings. There is adequate literature on factors influencing drug use among the youth but not much is available on the influence of substance and drug on the psychosocial wellbeing among the adolescents and the youth yet they contribute immensely in socio-economic development of any given nation thus need for the current study.
Method: The study adopted an explanatory survey design and a mixed method approach since it combined both quantitative and qualitative methods. A sample size of 387 adolescents and 295 youth were stratified sampled from the three social status categories.
Results and recommendations: Study findings indicated that psychosocial wellbeing exhibited a significantly positive relationship with substance and drug abuse (r=0.654, ρ<0.05), Therefore, it can be concluded that substance and drug abuse plays a significant role in determining psychosocial wellbeing of the adolescents and the youth. That the higher percentage of male youngsters engagement in substance and drug use can be attributed to social tolerance from the society. The study recommends that the government enforce law with stringent penalties on illegal drugs business. That sale of alcohol and drugs to people below 18 years is illegal and attracts hefty fines and long jail terms. Further, the need for frequent awareness programmes on the detrimental short and long term effects of substance and alcohol use. Services like guidance and counseling and rehabilitation programmes are essential in curbing the menace.

Key words: substance, drugs and psychosocial wellbeing


In the pharmaceutical industry, a drug is any chemical substance which is given to people in order to treat or prevent an illness or disease. Pharmaceutically a drug is also called a medicine which refers to a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being. However, in the context of this study it refers to any substance that causes a change in an organism’s physiology or psychology when consumed with no medical prescription or function. On the other hand, substance abuse refers to the hazardous use of psychoactive substances including alcohol and illicit drugs (WHO, 2018).

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