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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Demographic Variables on Academic Performance and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Electro-Mechanical Technology Students of Nigerian Universities

Jimoh Bakare, Ph.D1, Amenger Maashin, Ph.D2 & Mukaila Abiodun Yisa, Ph.D3
1Department of Industrial Technical Education, Faculty of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
2Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, Benue State University, Makurdi
3Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study investigated the influence of demographic variables on the academic performance and entrepreneurial intentions of electro-mechanical technology students in Nigerian Universities. Three research questions were answered while the three hypotheses formulated were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a correlational research design and was carried out in South Eastern States of Nigeria. The population for the study was 250 students of electro-mechanical technology. There was no sampling because of manageable size of the population. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire titled influence of Demographic Variable on Performance and Entrepreneurial Intention (IDVPEIQ). Three experts face- validated the instrument and the internal consistency of the questionnaire items was determined using Cronbach alpha reliability method; the overall reliability coefficient of 0.84 was obtained for questionnaire items. Pearson product moment correlation method, Point –biserial correlation, multiple regression and hayes process macro (model 1) were used to analyse data for answering research questions and testing the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that: (i) socio-demographic variable have a positive influence on academic performance of electro-mechanical technology students (ii) socio-demographic variables have a negative influence on entrepreneurial intentions of electro-mechanical technology students (iii) academic performance have a positive relationship with entrepreneurial intentions of electro-mechanical technology students. The findings on hypotheses revealed that (i) there was a significant relationship between academic performance and entrepreneurial intentions of electro-mechanical technology students (ii) there was a significant relationship between socio-demographic variables and academic performance of electro-mechanical students. Recommendations include that government, school administrators and teachers should take necessary steps to make sure entrepreneurial intentions and academic performance of students get improved.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, academic performance, influence, electro-mechanical students, entrepreneurial intention

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