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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Demographic Variables on Organizational Commitment among Catholic Religious Men and Women Working in Rural Areas: A Case of Lodwar Diocese in Turkana County, Kenya

Wambua Pius Muasa (PhD)
Institute of Youth Studies, School of Arts and Social Sciences
Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Studies have shown demographic variables to have influence on organizational commitment among employees. However, there is scant of similar studies with Catholic religious men and women and especially those working in rural areas. The objective of this study was to establish the influence of demographic variables of age, gender, educational level, vocational identity and country of origin on organizational commitment among the Catholic religious men and working in Lodwar Diocese. The study adopted correlational research design. Using census sampling, a sample size of 131 Catholic religious men and women were included in the study. The data was collected using standardized questionnaire. Pre-testing of the standardized instrument was carried out before the actual data collection to ensure its reliability and validity. The data was analyzed using independent sample t-test and One Way ANOVA with SPSS Version 32. The independent t-test and One Way ANOVA results showed that there were no statistically significant difference on demographic variables of age, gender and vocation identity and county of origin on three domains of organizational commitment. Furthermore, the findings showed that the mean differences in terms of educational levels were not significant on two domains of organizational commitment: Affective commitment F (3,127) = 1.744, p>0.05 and Continuance commitment F (3,127) = 0.826, p>0.05. However significant educational level differences were identified in Normative commitment F (3,127) =3.008, p<0.05.


Globally, studies have revealed that demographic variables have an influence on organizational commitment among employees. For instance, Padmavathy and Premavathy (2018) conducted a study with a sample of 100 teachers who were working in government schools in Chennai city. The study was to examine the influence of demographic variables on organizational commitment. The participants were selected through purposive sampling technique and self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data among the participants.

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