Influence of Female Teachers on Girls Performance in Biology in KCSE In Public Secondary Schools in Borabu Sub County, Nyamira County, Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Female Teachers on Girls Performance in Biology in KCSE In Public Secondary Schools in Borabu Sub County, Nyamira County, Kenya

Dr. George K B M Sagwe, Phd
Educational Administration And Policies Management, Borabu Teachers Training College, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- Globally one single factor that decides the destiny of a nation is the quality of education that its citizens get. The process of education revolves around the teacher and the student. For ages, the teacher-student relationship has been perceived by our forefathers to have a direct impact on the learner’s performance. This study aimed at finding find out the influence of female teachers on girls’ performance in biology in KCSE in public secondary schools in Borabu Sub County. Generally, the study sought: to find out the influence of the biology teacher’ physical characteristics on girl performance in biology, to establish the influence of biology teachers teaching methodology on girl performance in biology and to investigate personal factors female students view in biology teachers that influences their performance in biology in Borabu Sub county. The study employed descriptive research design with both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Data was collected from 104 respondents using a semi-structured questionnaire.
The population comprised of female students, and female biology teachers in public secondary schools in this area. The study targeted 20 secondary schools in the sub county. Out of the 20 schools two were purely girls’ schools and the rest were mixed schools. This research considered a sample size of 8 schools representing 40% of the entire population (20 schools a sample size of the study was 120 students and 20 teachers. This sample size was arrived at according to Toro Yamane’s Formula (1970). From the findings, majority of the respondents agreed that teacher pay attention in explaining details in a topic. Basing on the findings, the study concluded that female teachers influence girls performance in biology in KCSE in public secondary schools in Borabu Sub county and therefore there is need to employ more so as to improve girls performance in biology. The study recommends that the government through the Ministry of Education should employ more biology female teachers in order to encourage girls to work hard in the subject and do better in it and Parents should encourage their daughters to take biology and other sciences at school and consult their teachers in order to encourage them to do well in the subject.

Key words:- Biology, Borabu, Sub County, performance, public school, gender, stereotype, grooming, motivation