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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Geriatric and Social Support Care on the Health of Elderly People in Kano Metropolis, Kano State

Asogwa, Emmanuel U. (Ph.D.)1, Onyezere, John O. (Ph.D.)1, And Ezeji, Chika H.2
1Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria,
2Social Welfare Unit, Ministry of Health, Kano State

IJRISS Call for paper

The study investigated the influence of geriatric and social support care on the health of elderly people in Kano metropolis, Kano State. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 7 old peoples centers out of the 13 centers in Kano metropolis. Due to the size of the population, the researchers made use of all the old people at the 7 selected centers in Kano metropolis totaling 283. Self-structured instrument scrutinized by experts, titled “Geriatric and Social Support Care on Health Questionnaire” was used to collect data from the respondents. The instrument had a reliability coefficient of r=0.81. Two research questions formulated were answered using the statistical tools of means and standard deviation, while the hypothesis postulated was tested with z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the study showed that the geriatric services rendered to the elderly positively influenced their health and that the social support care is given to them also impacted positively on their health and well being. The study concluded that geriatric and social support care rendered had a significant influence on the health of elderly people in Kano metropolis. The study, therefore, recommended among others that government and non-governmental organizations should provide, equip and maintain functional old people’s long-term care or nursing facilities in every local government area of the state and nation and that families and community should embrace and carryout daily elder day-care services for their elderly members.

Keywords: Geriatric care, social support care and Elderly people


Across the world, the population of elderly people is increasing rapidly without commiserate adequate geriatric and social support care to them, either from their families, community or government. Studies report that the greatest increase in the number of older people is occurring in developing and middle-income countries. This observed increase in the population of the elderly in developing countries is, however, the surprising following prevalence of poor health care and nutrition prevalent in developing countries. Increase in the number of older people has significant health, social and economic implications on families, society governments at all levels. Ezeji (2021) noted that increasing longevity may result in rising medical costs and increasing demands for health services since elderly people are typically more vulnerable to chronic diseases. WHO (2015) envisaged that the demand for long-term care for the age is expected to rise within the African region, following the increasing prevalence of long-term conditions such as dementia, diabetes and others. In most countries, Nigeria inclusive, the cut-off point for geriatric age is sixty years (Kumar,2012).
Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa, and by 2001 had the highest number of older persons in Africa (Kinsella & Velkoff, 2001). Kinsella and Velkoff further stated that with the largest population in Africa and the ninth in the world, it was estimated that by the year 2025, the population of Nigerians aged sixty years and above will constitute six percent of the entire population, which stands above 200 million persons by 2021, according to a projected population figure of Nigeria by the National Population Commission (NPC). Kano State, according to NPC (2006), had the highest population in the country, followed by Lagos State. And Kano metropolis being one of the most populated cities in Nigeria, equally has a high population of elderly persons, majority of them roam the streets, marketplace, supermarkets, shopping centers and worship centers begging for alms.


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