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Influence of Principals’ Allocation of Financial Resources to School Programmes on the Implementation of Performance Contracting in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Principals’ Allocation of Financial Resources to School Programmes on the Implementation of Performance Contracting in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya.

Muli Geoffrey Munyao;1 Dr. Gideon Kasivu (Ed.D)2*, Dr. Selpher Cheloti 3
1Doctorate student, Student, school of education, South Easter
Kenya University
2Lecturer South Eastern Kenya University.
3Lecturer South Eastern Kenya University:
*Correspondent Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Misallocation and misappropriation of financial resources in leaning institutions has been the cause of misuse fraud and inefficiency, in educational institutions around the world. This has affected the implementation of Performance contacting (P C) in the institutions which necessitated the need for this study that investigated the influence of principals’ allocation of financial resources to school programmes on implementation of performance contracting in public secondary schools in Machakos County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design using mixed method approach. The sample size of the study was 471 respondents comprising of 9 Assistant directors of education, 109 Principals’ and 354 Teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the directors, proportionate sampling to select the teachers and random sampling to select the principals to participate in the study. Validity of research instruments was ascertained using a pilot study while reliability of instruments was ascertained using Test- Retest technique. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and reported using graphs, charts and tables. Qualitative data drawn from open ended questions and interviews was transcribed into themes and reported in narratives. Coefficient of Correlation was used on hypotheses to determine the influence of principals’ allocation of financial resources to school programmes on implementation of performance contracting in public secondary schools in Machakos County. The study found there was a statistically significant relationship between allocation of financial resources and implementation of performance contracting at p level 0. 065.The study concluded that failure to allocate finance by principals and to PC activities influenced its implementation. The study recommended that School Boards of Management need to allocate finances to areas of priority in school to catalyze PC implementation.
Keywords: Performance contracting, allocation of finance, Implementation
The Education sector globally has been experiencing fast and fundamental changes in its organizational environment which has influenced the quality-of-service delivery in both private and public sector (Gospel and Pendleton, 2005). Balogun (2003) notes that many Governments have responded to the changing environment by adopting Performance Contracting (PC). Performance contracting is a management tool originally set for private sector to enhance quality service delivery. Performance Contract is an agreed contract between government or its representative agencies and management of public enterprises and other autonomous units directly delivering services to public, or between a government and private managers of state assets. It involves explicit measurable goals and targets set and measuring performance against these set targets at the end of a given period. Currently PC has been adopted by the public sector to make the sector effective and efficient in-service delivery (Lin and Lee, 2011).