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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

 Influence of Principals’ Leadership Styles on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Gombi Educational Zone, Admawa State

Dr Dorcas Oluremi FAREO
Department of Educational Foundations,
Adamawa State University, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The study examined teachers’ perception on influence of principal’s leadership styles on senior secondary school students’ academic achievement in Gombi Educational Zone, Adamawa State. Three research questions and three research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study; it was a survey research design. The sample size consisted of 400 teachers from five schools within the study area. The questionnaire titled “Teachers’ perception on the influence of principals’ leadership styles on students’ academic achievement Questionnaire (TPIPLSSAA)” was used to collect data. The face, content and construct validity of the instrument was established by an expert in Guidance and Counselling in the Department of Educational Foundations, Adamawa State University Mubi. The test-retest reliability method was adopted and the reliability co-efficient of 0.84 was obtained. Data were analysed using mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson Moment Correlation and t-test. The study revealed that there was no significant relationship between years of experience and principal leadership styles. Also, no significant relationship was found between teachers’ age and principal leadership styles. However, a significant relationship was depicted between principal leadership styles and academic achievement. There was a significant relationship between principal leadership styles and the academic performance of students. The study therefore recommended among other things that non-Governmental organizations should help organize workshops enlightening and upscaling principals’ leadership skills at different levels. Also, government should provide a suitable environment for principals to grow their leadership skills by providing the necessary equipment and resources to effectively lead their teachers towards attaining organizational goals.

Keywords: Principals leadership styles; school management; education leadership; students’ academic achievement and teachers’ perception.


Principals play a vital role in setting the direction for successful schools and creating a conducive environment that fully supports teaching and learning. Furthermore, as the impact of principal leadership on student’s Achievement became evident, policymakers placed greater pressures on the principals. Rewards and sanctions affecting principals are increasingly common. In view of the above, there is need for new leadership approaches in order to enhance school efficiency and effectiveness.