International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XI, November 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Peter Kiio Manundu1*, Dr. Rose Mwanza2 and Dr. Janet Mulwa3
1. Master of Education Student, South Eastern Kenya University
2. Lecturer, South Eastern Kenya University
3. Lecturer, South Eastern Kenya University
*Correspondent author
Abstract: The study investigated the influence of reward system on teacher retention in public secondary schools in Kamukunji Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. A descriptive research design was used. The study targeted 243 respondents consisting of 8 secondary school principals and 235 teachers. A census of 8 school principals was done and stratified sampling method was used. The sample size was 71 teachers. A pilot study was carried out in 1 public secondary school within Starehe Sub-County schools. involving 8 respondents who were purposively selected. Content validity was used to ensure validity. Reliability was measured using Pearson moment correlation formula. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using bar graphs, pie charts and cross tabulation tables. Qualitative data was analysed thematically based on study objectives and presented in narrative form. The study found that there is a significant influence of reward system on teacher retention in Kamukunji Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. According to the findings, 71.5% of principals firmly believe that reward system builds a positive school culture which makes teachers to be more willing to put forth extra effort on important tasks. The study concluded that reward systems are critical for motivating teachers and increasing retention. Furthermore, the study concluded that reward systems foster a positive school culture by putting teachers in a position to do more and improve their work performance. The study recommends that the school management should take stock of current reward practices and take corrective and preventive actions to reduce teacher turnover. The school should consider proving more creative financial and non-financial rewards to attract and retain teachers.
Keywords: Reward system, Teacher retention, Institutional motivational practice
Institutional motivation practices are guiding principles that enable employees to stay focused to succeed despite the challenges encountered within the organization. They guide the employees’ actions and behaviors towards achievement of set goals (Baumeister & Voh, 2014). According to Fuhrmann (2016), institutional motivational practices provide positive attitudes about job which cause job satisfaction.