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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VIII, Issue II, February 2023|ISSN 2454-6194

Influence of Ring Traveller Number and Their Appropriate Selection for The Different Count in Compact Card Hosiery Yarn Process

Anupam Deb Nath, Kazi Naim Hossain
Department of Quality Assurance Department, Dabiruddin spinning mills Ltd., Trishal, Bangladesh
Received: 04 February 2023; Accepted: 14 February 2023; Published: 14 March 2023

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Traveller is a small portion among all the parts of ring frame machine but significant part in ring frame in a short staple spinning mill. Traveller has a great impact on yarn quality parameters specially hairiness. The traveller imparts twist to the yarn and enables winding of the yarn on the cop. Yarn quality varies due to different traveller number. Several investigations have been carried out on the influence of the ring traveller of Bracker brand. In some studies, it was observed that yarn properties( U%, CVm%, hariness%, IPI and end breakage) decreased as the weight of the traveller increased, whereas in some others it was stated that as the traveller weight is decreased as yarn properties increased. Therefore, specific number of traveller should be used for a particular count of yarn. And it is important for the technologist to understand this and act on them to optimised the yarn production and quality.

Keywords: Traveller, Uster Evenness tester 5, HVI, AFIS, compact card hosiery yarn, Yarn properties.

I. IntroductionInfluence of Ring Traveller Number

The textile industry makes available job opportunities to millions (or even more) of people and this contributes to the manufacturing world. However, it is considered as the old style industry [1]. For apparel production, ring spinning system is well-thought-out as the leading spinning system [2]. The reasons behind the domination of ring spinning system over other spinning systems are due to the fact that it is a flexible spinning system. Additionally, it has a range of fibre types and can be spun yarn at the finer end of the usable count range. The most significant feature is seen in the structure and properties of the yarn [3]. The development of new spinning systems alternative to ring spinning system had been completed within late sixties and early seventies for the course and medium count range, high production, elimination of winding and roving, and familiarizing autoamtion [4]. Hairiness properties of ring spun yarn require a certain amount of fibres protruding from the main body [5]. One of the reasons for excessive hairiness in the yarn is as a result of an improper profile of traveller [6]. “ Traveller is a wire clip (made from good tempered steel) which fits loosely on the flange and races on its circular path by the yarn pull to introduce twists in to strand of fibres emerging from the front roller nip” [7]. It is used as a guide of the yarn and was invented in the USA by Messrs [8].