RSIS International

Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Standard 8 Pupils’ Academic Performance in Day Primary Schools in Mbooni West Sub-County

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Standard 8 Pupils’ Academic Performance in Day Primary Schools in Mbooni West Sub-County

Naomi Munanye Ndemwa1, Lewis Muli Ngesu2
1PhD student, University of Nairobi
2Associate Professor, University of Nairobi

IJRISS Call for paper

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of socio-economic status on standard eight pupils’ academic performance in Mbooni West Sub County, Kenya. The study investigated the influence of a family’s source of income, parents’ level of education and availability of facilities/resources on standard eight pupils’ academic performance. The respondents were randomly selected. The research instruments used in this study included questionnaires for standard eight teachers and pupils and interview schedules for head teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed and the results were presented using frequency tables, pie charts, bar graphs and percentages. Qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis, which in turn was analyzed by organizing data into themes, patterns and sub-topics. The study established that there was a significant influence of socio-economic status on academic performance. The study further established that parents’ economic status had a strong bearing on pupils’ academic performance.  In addition, the study established that parents’ occupation and availability of facilities/resources both at home and school significantly influenced academic performance. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should establish more boarding schools for pupils from Low Social Economic status homes in order to promote equity in education, access and hence good performance. The study also recommends that the government should engage in a serious campaign to create awareness for adult education for parents with low levels of education. The study further recommends that head teachers and teachers from day primary schools should carry out sensitization campaigns on the role of education in social, economic and political development of a nation.
Key words: Social economic status, academic performance, primary school