International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Influence of Teacher Delocalization Policy on Pupils’ Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Loima Sub-County, Turkana County, Kenya
Jane Echwa, Simon Kipkenei, Rispah Wepukhulu
Department of Educational Planning and Management, Kibabii University, Kenya
Abstract— The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of teacher delocalization policy on pupils’ academic performance in public primary schools in Loima Sub-County, Turkana County, Kenya. The study was guided by descriptive survey research study design. The study targeted a population of 1000 respondents from public primary schools in the sub-county. The sampling technique adopted was simple random sampling to select pupils and teachers while purposive sampling was used in sampling the head teachers. The study adopted a sample size of 110 respondents. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was entered, coded, stored and analyzed by the help of Statistical Package Software for Social Sciences. The data was analyzed using percentages and frequencies. The analyzed data was presented in the form of frequency tables, charts, and bar graphs. The findings of the study revealed that teacher delocalization policy harms pupils’ learning in the event that effective teachers are replaced by less effective ones.
Keywords— Teacher Delocalization, Policy, Pupils, Academic Performance
Michaelowa (2002) states that teacher delocalization refers to the indication of movement of the teachers from one work station to another work station. The role of teachers and the teaching profession cannot be overlooked since every nation heavily relies on teachers in the provision of basic education and more specifically in third world countries (Oke & Ajagbe, 2016). Teachers are depended upon for any success of any school and achievement of pupils’. Teacher’s delocalization policy is a problem across the world in the education sector. Schools face rapid shortage not only in Kenya but all over the world with 50 percent of teachers either delocalized from one station to the other within their first five years in service (Thornton, 2004). Previous research has found many factors that lead to high teacher transfers which includes teacher overstay, parental involvement, heavy workload, schools doing equally nothing to retain teachers and poor teacher-student relationship (Barrett, 2009). As such, schools need to come up with policies that may reduce or lessen the teacher delocalization rate in schools. The government should play a role in ensuring that teachers are satisfied in terms of review as well improved working conditions.
Many researchers have considerably put attention to the association of job satisfaction and performance. However, some study findings reveals that job delocalization policy is associated with other factors such as safety conditions and pupils’ commitment (Iqbal et al., 2016). However, a lot of literature on teacher delocalization policy shows that satisfied teachers perform much better than unsatisfied teachers. These literatures,