RSIS International

Influence of Work Environment and Training on Job Performance of Library Personnel in University Libraries in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue V, May 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Influence of Work Environment and Training on Job Performance of Library Personnel in University Libraries in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Agada, Eric Ojobo1, Tofi, Simon Ternenge2
1(Head, College of Veterinary Library), Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria
2 (Librarian II), Benue State School of Nursing, Makurdi, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- The study investigated the influence of work environment and training on job performance of library personnel in university libraries in Nasarawa State. Two (2) specific objectives with corresponding research questions guided the study and Two (2) hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a survey research design and was carried out in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The population of the study was 150 library personnel in University libraries in Nasarawa State which were made up 44 library personnel in federal university Lafia, 66 library personnel in Nasarawa State University Keffi and 40 library personnel in Bingham University Karu, Nasarawa State. The total of 150 library personnel in the universities were used. The instrument for data collection was a self-developed structured questionnaire titled “Influence of work environment and training on job performance Questionnaire” (IWETJPQ). The data collected were analyzed using Means and Standard Deviation to answer the research questions and Chi-Square statistics to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that, work environment and training have significant influence on job performance of library personnel in university libraries in Nasarawa State. Furthermore, conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.

Keywords: Work environment, Training, Job Performance, Library Personnels, University Libraries, Nasarawa State.


1.1 Background of the Study

The primary objective of any organization including universities institutions is to attain high level of productivity which can only be achieved if the overall job performance of the entire staff is enhanced. University is an academic institution that produces human resources vital for all spheres of life. It is the highest institution that ensures the provision of knowledge through research. Uganneya and Agoh (2013) advanced that, university institution rendered essential community services, serve as center for moral, social and intellectual rejuvenation. However, it is impossible for university institution to achieve its aims/goals without an existence of a functional library. Aguolu and Aguolu (2016) maintained that, quality education is impossible without a quality library. Effective operation of university institutions largely depend on the excellence state of its library.