Intellectual Property Right Law Aspects of Tradition of Trademarks Passing Off Comparative Study of Brand’s Law in Investment in Indonesia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue III, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

 Intellectual Property Right Law Aspects of Tradition of Trademarks Passing Off Comparative Study of Brand’s Law in Investment in Indonesia

Putri Maha Dewi
#Faculty of Law, Surakarta University, Surakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract—Indonesia has officially stepped up to Intellectual Property Rights since 2000 marked by the Agreement on the Establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The protection provided by Law Number 15 Year 2001 regarding Trademarks for well-known brands is a recognition of the success of brand owners in creating an exclusive image of their products obtained through advertising or selling their products directly.
The rules in the implementation are expected to be effective, as developments are very fast, problems are always followed by legal aspects in taking action or as a guide. Legal protection for brand owners is important because there are many cases of violations of well-known brands both domestically and abroad that are carried out by irresponsible parties which is very detrimental to the owner of the famous trademark. Legal protection for legitimate trademark owners is regulated in the Trademark Law which is intended to provide exclusive rights for the trademark owner.
The rules in the implementation are expected to be effective, as developments are very fast, problems are always followed by legal aspects in taking action or as a guide. Legal protection for brand owners is important because there are many cases of violations of well-known brands both domestically and abroad that are carried out by irresponsible parties which is very detrimental to the owner of the famous trademark. Legal protection for legitimate trademark owners is regulated in the Trademark Law which is intended to provide exclusive rights for the trademark owner
Keywords—Intelectual Property Right, Breach of Passing Off Trademark, Comparative Trademark Law