RSIS International

Investigation in Deterioration of Automobile Parts due to Atmospheric Corrosion

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Investigation in Deterioration of Automobile Parts due to Atmospheric Corrosion

M.Sathishkumar, Manikandan.E, Prabhakaran.V, Prabhakaran.K

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNS Collège of Engineering, Coimbatore, India

Abstract— In daily life, we are using automobiles for different purposes at different seasons at different climatic conditions. So the different environment conditions affect our automobile painted parts and corrosion happens in every part by atmospheric condition. The different environment conditions of atmosphere like humidity, temperature, pollution, air, water, carbon dioxide, acid rain, etc affect automobile parts. From the above mentioned factors any one of the following will definitely attack automobile parts. So there is need to give the resistance to corrosion of paint to prevent it from atmospheric corrosion. In these studies we have taken the number plate as a sample part which is made up mild steel to obtain required coating of paint to prevent it from the different atmospheric conditions. Mild steel is chosen because of its strength, machinability, elasticity, ductility material. So investigation is carried out in the mild steel automobile parts by spraying salt solutions by using the fabricated salt spray testing machine. From continuous spraying of salt solutions mild steel automobile parts will tend to loss some metal due to corrosion. So due to weight loss, the strength of the parts may decrease. By this weight loss method it is analyze, that the part was corroded by any one of the above mentioned factors. So from this study it is studied that the automobile coated parts affected by atmospheric corrosion is analyzed by these investigation at different form of atmospheric conditions.

Index Terms— salt spray testing machine, atmospheric corrosion, automobile parts, mild steel.


Atmospheric corrosion is most probably common form of corrosion and these form occurs by corrosion or degradation due to air and its pollutants. Therefore, it is important to know the specific corrosion rate and coating thickness in a given application environment in order to affectively use metals in outdoor structures. A common method for estimating the life of metals has been the use of various types of metals and alloys for the different types of atmospheres.