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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

IoT Based Self Navigated Dustbin Dispensary System for Smart Cities

Sivakumar.K1, Ashna Vijili.A2, Shobana.D3, Ratna Deepa.R.S4

IJRISS Call for paper

Assistant Professor 1, UG Student2,3,4
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract- Population of the world is increasing day by day and the environment should be kept clean. Garbage overflow creates unhygienic environment and it creates bad smell. This will lead to illness and deadly diseases. To avoid such situations, it is required to implement a system that monitors and depart the garbage. This project purposes self navigated dustbins provided with sensors interfaced with PIC16F887 microcontroller for smart cities. Ultrasonic sensor is placed in the dustbin to monitor the garbage level and IR sensor are used to detect the obstacles while automatically navigating. When the level of the waste in the dustbin reaches the threshold limit, messages are sent to the concerned authority through GSM and also the dustbin will navigate automatically to certain distance and dispatch the wastes and it will come back to its position. This system not only saves time but also the man power.

Keywords: Dispensary System, PIC16F887, IoT, GSM, Waste management.


Cities around the world are facing great challenges due to increasing urbanization and one of the major challenges is the rising amount of generated wastes. Public bins are filling up faster than ever and inevitably many of the bins end up overflowing before being collected, by the municipal authority. This causes not only cluttered streets and bad odors but also negative health and it has environmental impacts. The outcome of the overflowing garbage is air pollution, which has direct impact on humans by causing various respiratory diseases and other adverse health effects as contaminants are absorbed from lungs into other parts of the body. The wastes should be dispatched at the right time before it gets overflowed and for that steps must be taken accordingly. Managing the garbage is time consuming process and requires a lot of efforts. Due to insufficient time and efforts, we see overflowing bins. Here, in this system dustbin will be located at the streets and will be provided with ultrasonic sensor which keeps tracking of the level of waste and when it reaches the threshold limit, the dustbin will start to navigate automatically. In its way, it detects the presence of obstacle with the help of IR sensor. The status of the dustbin will be sent as messages to the concerned authority through GSM module.

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