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Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Redefining What It Means To Be Human? Interactions between AI, Religion and Society

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue I, January 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Redefining What It Means To Be Human? Interactions between AI, Religion and Society

Oyenga Omusula Patrick1, Rashid Ali Omar2
1Faculty of Agriculture – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
2School of Social Sciences – Mount Kenya University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Current controversial articles that reveal the prowess that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play over humans have sent out panic in society among both believers and non-believers. The foundations of Artificial Intelligence dates back in the days of Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) with his syllogism work that entailed logic reasoning of machines about their environment. Today, it is evident that society is embracing the AI technology as robots are increasingly found in various human environments including homes, hotels, retail stores and hospitals. Using various existing studies and literature, this article attempted to discuss the interaction between Artificial intelligence, religion and society. Despite the embrace of the AI in the contemporary society, there are worries in society on the future of AI and humanity. A religious perspective seems to lack a wholesome opinion over this as no studies associate AI and religion. However, apocalyptic religion states that the conscience of man is being transferred to machines thus making the machines more relevant. The worries among believers is pegged on the scientific prediction that by 2040, robots could work much better and cheaper than man, of which compromise the biblical view that God made man on His own image giving man power over everything on earth. For the Islamic religion, everything created by God was meant for man. Religious perspective shows that God does not appreciate human advancements that would compromise His supremacy. The worries of the society as a whole rest in loss of job opportunities through replacement by robots and other AI technologies. The concern also manifests in the uncertainty of exhausting innovation in technology. All in all, adoption of AI is the fourth industrial revolution that the society can adopt to augment capacities to serve the growing population.

Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Human Power, Religion, Society, Technology


Current controversial articles that reveal the prowess that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play over humans have sent out panic in society among both believers and non-believers. Predictions such as the chief scientist’s at Sun Microsystems that advances in nano-technology could replace human species by 2030, and Hans Moravec’s (AI expert) that robots could perform better and cheaper than humans by 2040 (Herzfeld, 2003) are indeed frightening.