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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2454-6186

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions of Academic Staff at Private Universities of Lahore, Pakistan

 Tanzeela Siddiqui1, Ahsan Nazir2

IJRISS Call for paper

 1Lecturer, The University of Lahore, Pakistan
2Visiting Lecturer, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Abstract: The study indented to determine the influence of Employability factors on employees’ turnover intentions with mediating role of overall job satisfaction in private universities of Pakistan. The study used survey method in collection of data and used convenience sampling in regard to collect valid 350 responses from different private universities of Lahore. Structural equation path modeling technique was applied through Partial least Square (PLS) – Smart 2 software to examine the relationship among selected constructs with effectively estimation of measurement model and structural model simultaneously. The outcome of the test shows that all explanatory elements (job security, remuneration, relation with colleague, training seminar and policy administration) except work location have significant effect on employee turnover intentions where as study also demonstrate with evidence of higher R-square value that overall job satisfaction perform a more significant mediating function on the relationship between explanatory variables and dependent variable. In conclusion, Universities get favorable influence on decreasing teacher’s turnover intentions through increasing the Overall job satisfaction which further give valuable assistance to human resource managers, policy makers and practitioners by referring them dynamic changes in their employability policies and practices.

Keywords: Employability, Overall Job satisfaction, turnover intentions, Partial Least square.


Every organization is constantly trying to find out the ways to retain their effective employees, who are making their contributions towards achieving the goals of the organization. Employee job satisfaction has influence on employee turnover in organisations (Kabungaidze & Mahlatshana, 2013). The organization will be able to retain its employees if the employees are satisfied with their jobs. Dissatisfied employees will have the intentions to leave the organization or will ultimately leave the organization. It means that dissatisfaction on the job increases or will increase the rate of employee turnover intention in organisation.

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