International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Le Marché des Organisations de la Société Civile au Bénin
1Département de Sociologie-Anthropologie (FASHS/UAC/Bénin)
2Laboratoire Pierre PAGNEY, Climat, Eau, Ecosystème et Développement (LACEEDE), 01 BP 1534 Abomey-Calavi, Bénin
Abstract: The perception that Beninese have of the notion of civil society is sometimes vague, sometimes confused. This research aims to establish a typology of civil society in the context of Benin, given that a first step was taken during a national refocusing seminar. The methodological approach to research is of the qualitative type and has focused more on the search for the meaning of social phenomena around the notion of civil society in Benin in a comprehensive perspective. The data were collected from 96 people selected by reasoned choice in the main urban centers of the country. The results show that some organizations today known as “civil society” have a pre-colonial presence. This diversity of origin, nature and field of action is both a constraint and an opportunity for the typology of CSOs. The constraint lies in the fact that, because of this great multi-level diversity, there cannot be a single way to classify CSOs. One could thus decline several typologies according to for example the origin, the nature, the field of action, the strategic interest, the potential of action, etc. But this exercise carries a real risk of misplacement and dispersion. On the other hand, it offers a good opportunity for a more in-depth analysis of the players in this sector. This is why, for the sake of efficiency and the restitution of the socio-historical reality that characterizes this controversial notion of civil society, two typologies proposals based on the cultural origin of CSOs on the one hand and their level of intervention on the other hand are formulated.
Keywords: Benin, civil society, typology, origins, interventions.