Legal Status of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in Early Childhood Education in Nairobi City County Kenya.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Legal Status of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in Early Childhood Education in Nairobi City County Kenya.

Dr. Ruth Wangu Walioli, Dr .Rachel W. Kamau-Kang’ethe
Daystar University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is any sexual act between an adult and a minor or between two minors where one exerts power over the other. The goal for this research was to Investigate legal status of CSA in early childhood education. This study used a descriptive survey design and the sampling technique was purposive. It was based in Nairobi City County. The target population comprised of sexually abused children, their parents/guardians and policy makers. The total sample size was ninety-five (95) respondents who included forty-five (45) children who had experienced CSA and forty-five (45) of their parents/guardians and five (5) policy makers/key informants. The research used an interview schedule which was piloted on a randomly selected sample of five (5) children aged 5-8 years who had experienced CSA and their parents/guardians as well as one key informant at Child line Kenya. Cross validity was determined through peer feedback and content validity through expert opinion. Reliability was established through pilot testing of the research instrument to ensure clarity and adequacy of items. The study yielded qualitative data which was analyzed thematically guided by the study goal. Further, descriptive statistics were generated using percentages. Results were presented in figures and texts. Policy makers and parents/ care givers were interviewed on this, their responses revealed that they construed the constitution of Kenya 2010 as a key legislation that guided all other legislations, hence there is need to review all other legislations and align them to the new constitution. Regarding the children’s act 2001, the respondents stated that teachers need to be included as key role players in child protection. The Sexual Offences Act 2006 was construed as a key legislation in protecting children, and should be implemented and more stringent measures added to apprehend offenders. The Evidence Act 2009 requires that evidence be given regarding a CSA offence, going to court to give evidence was traumatizing to all involved. The criminal procedure code 2012 was decried as it gave perpetrators the bail option. The study recommended protection and strengthening of the family unit, training of stakeholders on CSA prevention. Inclusion of age-appropriate life skills in school curriculums and teacher training programs on signs of CSA, assessment, reporting procedures, withdrawal of the bail option for those accused of CSA, introduction of stringent measures and operationalization of relevant legislations. This was therefore a significant study as it yielded recommendations for both policy and practice.

Key Words: Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Key respondents / Policy makers, Legislations.

The Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) concept refers to involvement of dependent and developmentally immature children in sexual activities that they do not fully comprehend. In other words, children are not in a position to consent to such activities, because they are not developmentally prepared. CSA involves physical or psychological power differences whereby a child is used by an adult or an older or more knowledgeable child for sexual pleasure World Health Organization (WHO, 2014).