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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Lexical Expression of Eroticism between Male and Female Authors in Indonesian Prose 2000-2015: Analysis of Stylistic

Mahfuddin1, Muhammad Darwis2, Nurhayati Syairuddin3, Ikhwan M. Said4

IJRISS Call for paper

 1,2,3,4 Cultural Studies Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in using the erotic expression in Indonesian prose written between 2000-2015 by male and female authors The theory used in this study is the theory of linguistic stilistics from Geoffery Leech and Michael H. Short. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive study. The sample was taken using purposive sampling. The technique of data analysis used flow models. The result of this research indicates that male and female authors use different words choices (diction) of eroticism. The words are classified into two categories. Those categories are words which refer to organ and erotic activity. It was also found that male and female authors have similar variations in expressing genital organs. However, female authors are more varied in expressing erotic activity than male authors.

Key words: Expression, Lexical, Eroticism


Literary work is one of the cultural products in certain societies and periods (Maknun et al., 2019, Hasyim, 2020). The author lives and interacts with the social environment so he is called a social and cultured creature. As the social and cultural creatures, the authors cannot live without others in the society as their human basic characters, the need for interaction (Ariesta, 2019, Kaharuddin, Hasyim, 2020). It cannot be denied the social background of the authors having an effect in their creative writing. The condition in the society whether their domestic life, politic, tradition can be reflected in their works. Author observation to their surrounding then was put on the literary works in the form of language application (Notifasari, et al, 2020.

One form of the implications of the influence of time (period) in literary works can be seen in the era of the 2000s when a new phenomenon emerged. Many literary works with the theme of eroticism were written by female authors, and no longer dominated by male authors. Some names are famous later such as Ayu Utami, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Oka Rusmini, Herlina Tien, and others. Their work contains taboo discourse transformed into reading and has a place on the side of the reader. Their works have been criticized by many critics. At the end their works deserve to be appreciated as a contemporary literature which their characters as brave, controversial, and experimental (Ayu, 2007, Arafah, Hasyim, 2019).

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