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Life Secrets for Life Success

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume I, Issue IX, September 2017 | ISSN 2454–6186

Life Secrets for Life Success

Elsy Matthew
Assistant Professor, Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

IJRISS Call for paper


We all want success. And, what is success? Success has several definitions. We can go to Google and get umpteen number of definitions about success. According to me success has two stages. The first is hidden in the question Jesus Christ asked, „What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?‟ The basic qualification is the first stage and leading life based on the first stage is the 2nd stage of success.


God, the Creator

The primary qualification for success comes from answers to questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? It is all about discovering one‟s true identity. The basic truths about God and man supply the answer. God is a spirit being who created the universe and man. He is not a fool who hides Himself and sits in a corner waiting for man to worship Him. God, after creating man, kept communicating with him and made him write down most about Himself. And, that account, we call the Bible. It has been written over thousands of years by over 40 persons. And yet, a central story thread runs through the 66 books that constitute the Bible. It‟s like one single Boss dictating books through several stenographers at various points of time. This single Boss is the Creator God Himself, the prime Director of history. The single theme is what Milton has written: Paradise Lost and Paradise Gained.

Descriptions of Heaven

God is a triune Being –the Father Yehwah, the Son Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. The spiritual world of God is heaven. It is a well-organised Kingdom consisting of several realms. Several parts of heaven, especially God‟s throne room have been described in the Bible. Countless number of people has been to heaven and back, and has given accounts of heaven. Some died in sickness, accident, but came back to life. What they saw during the brief visit, they have described in their books. Some got visits to heaven without dying, and they have written books about what they saw there. Most of these are available in Youtube.