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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Making Evaluation in Music Pedagogy a Co-operative Endeavour-A Proposal for Nigerian Basic Education

Iruoma Amaka Ugoo-Okonkwo*, Ebele Veronica Ojukwu, Alexander Walsh Erhiegueke
Department of Music, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The major crux of this paper is making evaluation of music pedagogy a co-operative endeavour, which to a large extent is guided by the music curriculum in use. In the bid to address this issue, extensive literature review was carried out on evaluation in music pedagogy and it adopted the social interdependence theory as a suitable theory for making evaluation of music pedagogy a co-operative endeavour. The four key stakeholders that were identified to co-operate and synergize for the co-operative evaluation are the Teacher/Instructor, School Management, Pupil/Student/Learner, Community/Society and the Parents. This co-operative effort has to start from the inception of curriculum development in which every interest needs to be represented down to the implementation. In addition, this paper found out that Nigerian music education is mainly of Western orientation to the detriment of our indigenous musical culture. Similarly, there was a lack of proper synergy amongst the entities that play significant roles in evaluation of music in Nigerian basic school, and some of the teachers lack adequate musical knowledge for adequate musical instruction. Suggestions of areas of co-operation that will impact positively on music pedagogy were proffered and consequently proposed for Nigerian basic education.

Keywords: Evaluation, Music Pedagogy, Co-operative Endeavour, Curriculum,


Education can be described as an enterprise involving the necessary co-operation of teachers, parents, children, students and the community as a whole. It is a joint venture and its evaluation also demands co-operative involvement. Stufflebeam et al. (1971:xxv) stated that evaluation is “the process of delineating, obtaining, and providing useful information for judging decision alternative”. Other definitions simply categorize evaluation as professional judgment or as a process that allows one to make a judgment about the desirability or value of a measure (Mehreus & Lehmann 1978:5). Evaluation adds the ingredient of value judgment to assessment. It is concerned with the application of its findings and implies some judgment of the effectiveness, social utility, or desirability of a product, process or progress in terms of carefully defined and agreed upon objectives or values (Prakash, 2016:2). Evaluation is defined by Nye R. T. & Nye V. T. (1970:614) as “a means of discovering to what degree objectives have been attained. It must be made in terms of specific and immediate objectives as

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