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Malaysia Pornography Consumption Effects Scale (MPCES): An Overview of Malaysian Self Perceived Effects of Pornography Consumption

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Malaysia Pornography Consumption Effects Scale (MPCES): An Overview of Malaysian Self Perceived Effects of Pornography Consumption.

Nuraini, N.1, Syaiful, N. A. H.2
1,2Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract- The reason for this study is to identify index of pornography consumption effect of Malaysian people. The data collected from 1340 respondent from the age of 15 years old to 40 years old in Malaysia from various states. Data interpretation was carried out using Factor Analysis (FA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA). Respondent was giving the pornography consumption effect scale (PCES) used to measure self-perceived effects of hardcore pornography consumption on participants’ sexual behaviors or sex life, attitudes toward sex, sexual knowledge, life in general, and attitudes towards and perceptions of the opposite gender contain in 33 question. Data is analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) which then computed to identify the most dominant factors whereas reducing the initial three parameters with recommended >0.50 of factor loading. Forward stepwise of DA show the total of groups validation percentage by 89.03% (19 independent). Result showed that the highest frequency of respondent index was at the moderate level (98.41% respondents). This showed that consumption effects on pornography are still in moderate level showing that respondent use pornography to gain knowledge on sex. This also affects how every respondent perception opposite gender on positive and respectful way. Although it gave a good impact but it also has to manage because it can lead to addiction toward pornography and giving hardship to respondent to manage.

Keywords- Pornography, PCES, Malaysia, Consumption Effects and Multivariate Analysis.


Duration time consuming pornography refers to written or pictorial material describing or showing sexually explicit images designed to elicit sexual arousal in the reader or viewer. It has been apart to help viewer of reader to increase their knowledge on sex life or even for masturbation. Recreational use of pornography, most viewed online, commonly usage among heterosexual and gay men but less common among women. [22][29][31]. However research by Reid et al. (2012) [26] suggested that men report more problems with excessive use of pornography and other compulsive sexual behaviors include frequent anonymous/casual sex, paid sex, and compulsive masturbation other than women. Additional research is needed to better understand the psychological characteristics associated with problematic use of pornography, in turn could aid in the identification of individuals experiencing problems and the development of therapies to help them reduce their use of pornography [17].


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