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Management of Education Implementation Systems in Special Development Institute of Class II Bandar Lampung

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Management of Education Implementation Systems in Special Development Institute of Class II Bandar Lampung

Norma Indah Pratiwi, Irawan Suntoro, Dedy Hermanto Karwan

IJRISS Call for paper

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia


The concept of fulfilling the right to get education and teaching for correctional students in the Special Child Guidance Institution is to carry out education and teaching as sufficient provisions to continue their lives in the community with other communities after completing the training period. The education provided also aims to provide basic abilities to students to develop their lives as individuals, community members, citizens, and members of humanity.
The implementation of prison rights as foster citizens at the Institute for Special Development of Children requires supporting facilities and infrastructure. One of them is a place to implement the rights of tegineneng correctional students is one of the Special Child Development Institutions in the Bandar Lampung region and the only one in Lampung province, Bandar Lampung Special Class II Child Development Institution has a distinct advantage from the Other Child Special Coaching Institutions namely the Institute Special Development for Children in Bandar Lampung Class II prioritizes the issue of Education.
The number of students of the Special Guidance Institute for Class II in Bandar Lampung is based on the number that is differentiated or classified according to the level of classes taken before being placed in the Special Guidance Institute for Children in Bandar Lampung. that the system is a whole that has parts arranged systematically, the parts are interrelated with one another, and care for the environmental context.


1. Special Education Services

Special service education, hereinafter referred to as special service education, is education for students in remote or backward areas, indigenous peoples who are remote, and / or experiencing natural disasters, social disasters, and who are economically unable.