International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VIII, August 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
Managerial Capabilities and Private University Performance in Kenya
Jonas Yawovi Dzinekou1 and Robert Arasa2
1Institute of Social Ministry in Mission, Tangaza University College, Nairobi, Kenya
2School of Business and Economics, Machakos University, Kenya
Abstract:-In the recent past, the dynamic capability framework has been intensively used to explicate the capabilities required by firms to adapt to a changing environment. However, the framework is rarely discussed in the context of academic institutions. Managerial capabilities have been discussed as crucial for organisational performance.This study analyses the effects of managerial capabilities in the performance of private universities in Kenya. Using a survey research design, the study is based on quantitative data. A random sampling method was used to sample 329 respondents that are stratified into academic and non-academic staff. The structural equation model was employed to analyse the relationship between managerial capabilities and university performance.The result shows that managerial capabilities have a positive influence on private universities performance. The finding provides more insights on how managerial capabilities can be deployed in the university changing environment to influence performance.
Keywords: Dynamic capabilities, managerial capability, university performance
Organisation adaptation to the rapidly changing external environment has been of high interest to the management scholars (Birkinshaw, Zimmermann, & Riasch, 2016) and constant challenges for the organisation managers. It is an uphill task for managers to continually align their organisation strategy with the forces of changes that shape the organisations environment. Lately, in the 1990s, the concept of dynamic capability was advanced to explain firms’ adaptation of the changing environment (Barreto, 2010; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Teece, 1999). According to Teece and Leih (2016),dynamic capability framework is helpful in underlying the action and decisions of firms in a complex environment.
The university environment has become increasingly complex and subject to the global changes. The forces of globalization have exerted pressure and increased competition amongst universities (Wildavsky, 2012).