International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Mu’azu Audu Zanuwa, Abdu Ali, Adamu Muhammad K., Faruk Ibrahim Gaya
Department of Geography Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria
Abstract: – The amount of municipal solid waste produced daily is significantly increasing in the cities of developing countries. While the capacity and effectiveness of municipalities in providing municipal solid waste services remains undesirably low. The paper examined market based instrument an alternative means of minimizing municipal solid waste (MSW)in Gombe Metropolis of Gombe state, Nigeria. The study revealed that the amount of waste generated is proportional to the population and the average mean living standard of the people. Moreover, market based instruments may be used in minimizing municipal solid waste in Gombe metropolis through the use of purchase relevant instrument, discard relevant instrument, and jointly relevant instrument. The market based instrument for minimization of municipal solid waste comprises of various service such as Collection of waste, Transportation of waste, Separation and recycling of material. The paper recommend that, awareness campaign should be intensified in order to ensure that people employed the habit of sorting their waste, so that recycling material could be reuse by the manufacturer. Also government should make provision of incentive to both producers and consumers that reduce it waste generation.
Keywords: Market based instrument (MBIs) and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), and Metropolis
Environmental problems, such as environmental pollution and solid waste management (SWM), have traditionally been addressed using command and control (CAC) regulations and polluter pay principle, which regulate behaviour directly by prescribing specific legislation and standards which must be achieved, and enforcing compliance through the use of penalties and fines (Perman et al., 2003). By contrast, market base instruments (MBIs), such as environmental taxes and subsidies, seek to change behaviour of producers and consumers indirectly, by changing the relative prices (and hence incentives) that individuals and businesses face. In the context of solid waste management (SWM), they provide incentives for waste generators (producers and consumers) and service providers to reduce waste generation and to seek alternatives to final disposal to landfill (such as re-use, recycling or recovery) (Inter-American Development Bank, 2003).