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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Mediating Effect of Transformational Leadership Style of School Heads on the Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Self-Esteem of Teachers

 Glorybeth C. Pesania
Department of Education, Sto.Tomas National High School, Philippines

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract. This academic endeavor aimed to determine the mediating effect of the transformational leadership style of school heads on the relationship between organizational climate and teachers’ self-esteem. This quantitative study utilizes mediation analysis with the comprehensive interpretation of the data gathered through statistical treatments (Mean, Correlation Analysis, Med-graph using Sobel z-test). The participants were selected through a stratified random sampling technique where they were identified as secondary school teachers of the Municipality of Santo Tomas, Schools Division of Davao del Norte. Results of the study revealed that the Level of Organizational Climate perceived by Secondary School Teachers in Santo Tomas has a high descriptive equivalent, Level of Self-Esteem of Teachers also has a high descriptive equivalent. Level of Transformational Leadership Style of School heads has a very high descriptive equivalent. It is also concluded based on the mediation analysis of the study that transformational leadership of school heads did not explain any significant portion of the relationship between organizational climate and self-esteem of secondary school teachers of the Municipality of Santo Tomas. However, the study also shows a strong relationship between organizational climate and self-esteem.

Key Words: transformational leadership, organizational climate, self-esteem, mediation, public school teachers, Philippines



Self-esteem is one of the earliest and oldest concepts defined as the comparison of the actual self and ideal self. Teachers with high self-esteem can teach students effectively. However, it is necessary to measure this phenomenon and at what level self-esteem can play its role in the learning process (Farooq et al., 2015). However, there are lots of discrepancies and discriminations in the teaching profession. Financial problems, a worse living environment, lack of promotion facilities, lack of proper training programs, unhealthy working conditions, nepotism, untimely promotion, grading problems, and so on are common in educational institutions. These difficulties impact teachers’ self-esteem and consequently affect their performance as quality education providers (Dey et al., 2017).