Meta-Analysis of Effect Size Statistic on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement in North Central Nigeria
- January 23, 2021
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: Education, IJRISS
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue I, January 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Prof. Emaikwu, S.O (PhD), AGI, C.I (PhD), ADOGA, Ocheme Emmanuel
Department of Educational Foundations and General Studies
Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi-Nigeria
ABSTRACT:- The study investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence and students’ academic achievement in North Central Nigeria with respect to gender, age and educational level as moderator variables, and the interaction effect size through meta-analytic procedure. Methodological triangulation research design was adopted, and the population of the study consists of all published and unpublished previous research results on the relationship study which are numerically infinite. Sample of 30 primary studies, considering one, two or all three of the moderator variables were purposively and conveniently drawn from the population, using a pro forma titled “coding sheet”. Z-transformation, effect sizes and percentage were used to answer the research questions while Winer combined test statistic and two-way classification ANOVA were used to test the set hypotheses at 0.05 levels of significance. The obtained results revealed that the mean effect size statistic estimate on the relationship between emotional intelligence and students’ academic achievement with respect to the moderator variables and their interaction effect were significant. It was therefore recommended that the teaching, learning and assessment of emotional intelligence skills should be introduced in schools for both gender and across all ages and academic level to equip students with this competency for a better academic performance.
Keywords: Research, Emotional intelligence, Academic achievement, Gender, Age, educational level, Meta-analysis
Research as a process has a key characteristic of being cyclic in nature, which avails researchers to investigate trends, patterns or opinions more than once, and at various stages either for confirmation of previous studies or ascertain more facts yet not previously disclosed, and this has led to the duplication of studies on issues of interest. Consequently, a number of researchers have carried out Several studies on different aspects of cause and effect relationships or treatment-effect interactions in different areas of research interest, with one among the many, been on the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. Emotional intelligence is believed to have contributed immensely to the advancement of educational psychology, and as well, to an extent, generated some controversies among researchers. Emotional intelligence or emotional competency as it could be interchangeably used even in this study, can be said to be the confluence of developed abilities to perceive, access and express emotion in one’s self and in others in other to know and value self, build and maintain a variety of strong, productive and healthy relationships, get along and work well with others in achieving positive results and effectively deal with the pressures and demands of daily life and work (Arockia &Sangeetha, 2013).