International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue V, May 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Millimeter Wave Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Applications
Gana U Kumar, Sanish V S
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology, Mangalam, Lakkidi, Ottappalam, Palakkad, Kerala, India
Abstract – 5G is expected to support significantly faster mobile broadband speeds and heavier data usage than previous generations while also enabling the full potential of the Internet of Things. A circular microstrip patch antenna and it’s array for future 5G mobile communication networks. The antenna has resonating frequency of 28GHz. The antenna is designed on a Rogers RT5880 (lossy) substrate with dielectric constant of 2.2 and loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.0013. The antenna has a compact size of 6×6×0.578mm3. Array configurations is used to achieve more gain, required for mobile communication. The proposed array has resonance frequency of 28GHz, with maximum gain of 8.9 dB and radiation efficiency of 98.75%. Centre series fed technique is used for the excitation of array. . The antenna dimensions were calculated and simulated results have been displayed and analyzed using HFSS.
Keywords – High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS)
Mobile wireless technology has been assessed from 0G to 4G, bringing the revolution in mobile communications. Each generation is an old, improved version. 4G technology has many applications, such as remote host monitoring, video call data flow and machine type communication. 4G has some advantages but is unable to solve the problems of poor quality, poor coverage, loss of connections, high energy consumption, bad interconnectivity and overcrowded channels. Due to the rapid growth of communication system connected devices, current 4G technology will not meet the recent demand. Therefore, the mobile communication system must be upgraded to the next generation (5G) in order to meet the future demand of high data rates. Research is underway for 5G mobile communications and is expected to be commercialized early in the 21st century.
5G technology was introduced in a new era of digital mobile communications systems, which introduces the Internet of Things (IOTs) into the network of devices (D2Ds) with wider bandwidth, lower battery consumption, higher data rates and better coverage, and will solve various challenges such as latency, security, reliability, availability and equipment costs.