International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705 BMCP Detector
Modeling and Development of BMCP Detector
Kushal D. B*., B.K. Nayak, A. Saxena, S. Santra, Subrahmanyam N. B. V.
Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai – 400085, India
Abstract: In this research article, the micro-channel plate detector has been developed which can detect passage of high energy particles through thin film producing several secondary electrons. The micro-channel plate detectors are used in a time of flight-energy telescope for the mass identification of binary products of the nuclear reaction. The designed MCP detector is comprised of conversion foil, reflecting mirror, supporting screws, and a base. The passage of ions through conversion foil produces secondary electrons which are reflected down by the reflector before the detection. The working of BMCP designed at BARC is tested with Strontium-90 (β source). The best feature of Micro Channel Plate detectors is its low value of fall time constant which is less than 2 nano-seconds.
Keywords-Micro-channel plates, Photo-multiplier tubes, Detectors, Accelerator driven systems, Heavy ions energy measurement.
Scientist and researchers are eager to study the details of the exotic nuclei which have number of neutron to proton ratio higher than those situated on the stability line. Such studies can not only help us to understand novel nuclear properties and thus enrich our knowledge of atomic nuclei, but also reveal the origin of chemical elements in the nucleosynthesis processes. Several radioactive ion beam facilities being built to experimentally make accessible the more number of unstable exotic nuclei. The qualitative analysis of exotic nuclei requires the detailed knowledge of the masses, their production rate and beta decay characteristics. A novel time of flight spectrometer can be used for such as purposes. In mass spectroscopy, microchannel plate detectors with electrostatic mirror are used. The most important milestone in the development of the detectors is the photoelectric effect formulated by Einstein in 1905 [1]. Then period of more than 25 years was required for the development and commercialization of photomultipler tube in RCA laboratories. Significant work in the development of solid state single photon detector was done in 1960 by McIntyre [2] and by Haitz [3].Gieger-mode avalanche diodes which are used to detect the photons has been described by Renkar [4], but these detectors suffer from dark count and after pulses.