International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186
Motivating to Achieve Main Goals of Life – Buddhist Approach on Human Resource Development
Nishadini Peiris
Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka
Abstract: Motivation theories developed by modern management scholars focusing to set and achieve goals relevant to career life of the individual. However the question is, the purpose of these goals set by those scholars for growth or development. For whom these goals set for? Either for the individual or for the organization? Recent researches identified the modern management particles in organizations leads to mental disorders of the employees and their families. Governments like German and France also take legal framework to protect the mental wellbeing of the citizens from the modern management practices. During the last few decades some scholars were focused to identify HR with holistic approach when it comes to motivating HR for development with main four areas: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Purpose of this study is to find out what is missing in the modern management approach when it comes to motivation for development. This research focuses to analyse the modern and Buddhist approach on holistic approach on motivating HR for human development in modern and Buddhist context. Documentary study of Buddhist and modern HRM and HRD concepts is the method used in this research for data collection. Content analysis is used for data analysing. Stephan Covey introduced four and the Ideal Performance State (IPS) model, which was developed by performance psychologist Jim based on the four areas: physical, mental, social ,and spiritual, of the individual. Buddhist approach describe these four areas in detail and also giving final goal or objective of each area and the way to fulfil them. According to it these four areas are the base of development. As a result above four areas should be consider equally when it comes to development. These four areas should develop gradually as they are interconnected. Four basic needs or focuses are like the base of a pyramid. Top of the pyramid is the highest achievements of each need which should achieved equally, to become a balanced person. When it comes to HR management and development, institutes should consider these for areas and its focus to motivate individual fully.
KeyWords: Mental need/intelligence, Physical need/intelligence, Social need/intelligence, Spiritual need/intelligence, fulfilment/satisfaction.
The development can be define as the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced (, 2018). Motivation can be define as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of efforts toward attaining a goal(Robbins SP, Judge TA, Vohra N, 2015). As a result motivation for human resource development can be define as individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of efforts toward attaining growth or changes and becomes more advanced