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Multiple Axis Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Tracker

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Multiple Axis Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Tracker

Vilas S. Bugade1, Ganesh H.Patil2, Ajit Nandawadekar3

IJRISS Call for paper

1Associate Professor, 2, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract–SPV energy is rapidly gaining importance as an energy resource. To make solar energy more viable, efficiency of solar panel systems must be maximized. The position of the sun is not stationary so the angle of incidence also changes with time, thereby performance of the solar panel is not efficient. If the panel is made to align itself perpendicularly to sun rays, maximum efficiency can be achieved. This procedure is called solar tracking. A feasible approach to maximize the efficiency of solar panel systems is sun tracking. A solar panel receives the most sunlight when it is perpendicular to the solar irradiance. This paper presents the design and construction of an inexpensive active dual – axis solar tracking system for tracking the movement of the sun so as to get maximum power from the solar panels as they follow the sun. It uses Light Dependent Resistors to sense the position of the sun which is communicated to an Arduino microcontroller which then commands a set of two servo motors to re-orient the panel in order to stay perpendicular to the sun rays.

Keywords – Microcontroller, LDR, Solar PV, Servomotor.


SPV energy is the most democratic of renewable energy resources. It is available everywhere on the earth in qualities that vary only modestly. The role of solar energy is indeed going to be predominant. Because solar energy is available free at any place on the earth. Solar energy is renewable and will not deplete within the next several billion years [1].

The demand for electricity is increasing continuously which has the effect of depletion in the fossil fuels reserve. The power produced by the SPV is intermittent in nature as the output depends on the solar irradiance and temperature. The SPV can be used in standalone mode or it can be connected to grid. The controllers should be designed in such a way that it should synchronize with the grid to maintain system stability, and provide proper load management ensuring voltage and frequency at desired values. [2]