International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VI, June 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
On the Myth and Magic of Apparitions: A Study Based on Mother Mary’s Church in Sri Lanka
Surani Fernando1 and K.A.A. N Thilakarathna2
1B.A, M.SOC (Sociology), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
2LL.B. (Colombo) LL.M. (KDU), Attorney at Law, Lecturer, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Abstract: The design of this research article is to bring about the overall understanding about a Christian Religious myth on Mother Mary’s appearances or magical revelations at churches to people and how these revelations impacted in creating new religious dogmas. These revelations are being experienced in all over the world from small scale to large scale including Sri Lanka and how people have absorbed these beliefs leading to social changes. The article gives an explanation on the root causes and other reasons that lead to a religious belief or a dogma. The article is constructed contrasting and the connections with the thoughts abided with Mother Mary’s revelations to people. The essay is a qualitative descriptive analysis. The Methodology used is epistemological.
Keywords: Apparitions- Visions, revelations or appearances of Mother Mary. Adoration – Worship, glorify, praise and adore god in a symbolic way.
The apparition or the revelation of Mother Mary has taken place in many parts of the world. It has taken place during the 19th century and in the years after. There are many research articles in the world about the apparition of Mother Mary. The essay discusses and validates the beliefs of the apparitions taken place in the world and in Sri Lanka. The essay discusses how apparitions take place, the nature of apparitions and how the virgin Mary’s apparition became a dogma to the Catholic Christians who believe about it and how the worship of the Mother Mary’s apparitions have taken a prominent place in Catholic and how it became a cult and culture. Worshipping Mother Mary is an important part of Catholic Church. The essay gives an understanding what apparitions are in Christianity and what Catholic beliefs are. The essay explains why the worship of Mother Mary has taken a prominent place of worship.
Statement of The Research Question
The main objective of this essay is to give an understanding about what apparitions are in Christianity? Why it has taken a prominent place for devotees to worship them, go on pilgrims to sight them. It is also important to find out why the people are gathering around apparitions and seeking supernatural help for their helplessness? It is also important to find out and analyze the fact why the devotees expect miracles and visions? Are these apparitions of virgin Mother Mary is magic or a religious dogma? Are the apparitions a part of paganism? Are they some kind of religious cult? What is the reason behind religious miracles, revelations and apparitions? The