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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Online Modality of Learning in A Higher Education Institution During the Pandemic: Satisfaction and Difficulties of Criminology Students in The Philippines

Samuel B. Damayon*, Calvin Klein L. Carlos, Jeremy M. Abad, John Ryan D. Cauilan, Cherry Ann K. Lubiton
School of Teacher Education and Humanities, Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The pandemic has brought challenges both to students and teachers in higher education. This study determined the level of satisfaction and difficulties encountered by criminology students at Saint Mary’s University Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines during their online modality of learning. A quantitative, inferential, and descriptive research design was used among sixty (60) respondents from sophomore to senior criminology students. The study found that criminology students were satisfied with the methods of teaching, teacher’s class requirements, teaching platforms, teacher’s consideration, time schedule of classes, and student support from the department and that they experienced difficulty to a moderate extent with the gadgets used in online classes and availability of academic resources, Respondents have a neutral level of difficulty in terms of financial source, the strength of internet signal and time availability for doing class requirements. There is a significant difference in their level of satisfaction in terms of their year level in relation to the teachers’ method of teaching, teaching platforms, teachers’ consideration, and with their internet connectivity. There is also a significant difference in their level of difficulty in online learning when the students were grouped according to their year level, financial source, gadgets, and time schedules of classes; internet connectivity when it comes to financial source, internet signal, gadgets, and academic resources; and gadgets used (Laptop) when it comes to internet signal and academic resources.

Keywords: Pandemic, satisfaction in online learning, difficulty in online learning, criminology students


The deadly and infectious disease Corona Virus, also known as COVID-19, which was first discovered in China in 2019 and declared a pandemic by WHO in March 2020, has had a significant impact on the world economy[1]. This catastrophe has jolted every sector of society including the education sector. The anxiety resulting from the catastrophic change brought about by this health phenomenon has spread over the world. In the area of education, many schools and universities were forced to close temporarily. And because several locations around the world have been affected, there was concern that the current semester, as well as future semesters, might be lost. For a number of institutions, colleges, and universities that were able to find