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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Optical interaction at the boundary layer of Oil-Water-Saltwater.

Kuldip Paudel1, Saddam Husain Dhobi2,3,4, Kushal Dahal1, Rina Waiba2,3,4, Kishori Yadav2,4, Narayan K.C.2,4, Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi2,4
1Department of Physics, St. Xavier’s College, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu-44600, Nepal
2Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur-44700, Nepal
3Robotics Academy of Nepal, Lalitpur-44700, Nepal
4Innovative Ghar Nepal, Lalitpur-44700, Nepal

IJRISS Call for paper


Abstract: The purpose optical properties (transmittance, absorbance, and reflectance) of solidified cubes of water, soybean oil, and saltwater, single and layer wise studies experimentally for water, soybean oil and saltwater. The transmittance properties decrease with an increase in wavelength however the absorbance and reflectance values increase with the increase in wavelength. The salt and water have a maximum transmittance value of 100 at the wavelength of 454.5nm and 553.2nm respectively. The authors found the absorbance deep values of oil, water, and saltwater are 0.166 a.u., 0.173 a.u., and 0.211 a.u. at the same wavelength of 634.6nm and Water- Soybean Oil-Saltwater, Soybean Oil- Water –Saltwater, and Saltwater-Water- Soybean oil are 0.218 a.u., 0.208 a.u., and 0.158 a.u. at the wavelength of 363nm. Whereas the reflectance deep values of oil, water, saltwater, Water- Soybean Oil-Saltwater, Soybean Oil- Water –Saltwater, and Saltwater-Water- Soybean oil are -7.981%, -7.925%, -7.695%, -7.679%, -7.735%, and -8.022% are to be found respectively at the same wavelength of 636nm. The result also shows the transmittance of saltwater and soybean oil are depend on transmittance of water which means water, saltwater and soybean oil a strong correlation in statistical term.

Keywords: Absorbance, Transmittance, reflectance, water, saltwater, soybean oil, wavelength etc.


Water is transparent to electromagnetic radiation wavelengths that are within the visible spectrum, but opaque to wavelengths above and below this band. However, visible light is refracted and attenuated once it enters the water. The intensity of accessible solar radiation decreases with depth due to a combination of water molecules, dissolved salts, organic compounds, and suspended particles. The intensity of solar radiation decreases with depth, however the wavelengths contained in the solar spectrum are not attenuated at the same rates, according to observations of light attenuation in ocean waters. Due to their biological qualities, edible oils are complex combinations of organic chemicals of enormous commercial relevance in the food, pharmaceutical, perfume, and cosmetic sectors. Some optical properties of edible oils used in Sudan oil were investigated using UV-VIS spectroscopy (190-1100) nm without flip, which demonstrates that transmittance increases with increasing visible light wavelength [1]. In the spectral range from 500 to 1100 nm, the index of absorption of all brands of nine edible oils decreased as the temperature increased. The characteristic of overtones and combinations of CH stretching vibration of distinct chemical groups are related to the absorption peaks of all analyzed edible oils [2].
When light flows through pure water and seawater in an optical path of 25 cm to 100 cm, the intensity change is on the order of 10-4 to 10-3, according to Lee et al. [3]. Around 410–420 nm, the total absorption coefficient exhibits a flat minimum, roughly double that of pure water. At 310 nm, the overall absorption coefficient could be half of what is commonly accepted for pure water [4]. The reflectance of the rocks or the microbial mats growing on the rocks beneath the water, as well as optical absorption and scattering in the water, are the key wavelength-dependent characteristics that produce the widely variable pool hues. The nature of the absorbance coefficient determined by Shaw demonstrates that it increases with light wavelength [5].
When the wavelength is chosen where reflectance equals reflectance at the red chlorophyll an absorption peak, chlorophyll a retrieval becomes completely insensitive to spectrally flat reflectance errors, which are typical of imperfect atmospheric correction, and is completely decoupled from backscatter retrieval [6]. The absorbance of extra virgin olive oil and virgin avocado oil decreases with wavelength with various bumps, as observed by transmittance and absorbance measurements [7]. Because the interaction of light with molecules is one of the most fascinating aspects of materials and has a wide range of applications as well as an active research field, the authors of this paper investigate the absorbance, transmittance, and reflectance at the medium/materials’ boundary and inside the medium/materials of soybean oil, drinking water, and saltwater. Because impurities, as well as molecular rotation and vibration, are determined by transmittance and absorbance. As a result, the authors of this paper attempted to investigate how visible photons interact with water, saltwater, and soybean oil molecules.



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