International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
Orphanage Homes and Personality Development of a Child
Nwokorie Chinedu Nehemiah
Department Of Sociology, Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
Abstract: Orphanages are found in every society with the intension of providing for the needy. This paper is on the social perception of orphanage homes and a child’s personality development. Orphans increases daily and this leads to increase of orphanage homes in the society. Most times, these orphans seem to find it difficult to properly socialize in the society due to the way the people view and regard them. The objective of this study is to ascertain the effect of absence of biological parents on the child’s socialization process, well as to find out if the social environment of a child has effects on the child’s good moral/attitude. This paper found out that the absence of a biological parent affects a child’s socialization process; and also that social environment affects a child’s good moral/attitude. Different literatures and theories were revealed in line with this study but my work was anchored on attachment theory. 230 structured copies of questionnaire were distributed to randomly selected respondents while 200 copies were completed and returned. The hypotheses were tested and data were analyzed with simple percentages and chi-square statistical tool. The findings show that the absence of biological parents or consistent caregiver has great effect on the child’s socialization process. Secondly, the environment in which a child is groomed can affect the child’s moral behavior and attitude. I therefore recommend that government should improve on infant adoption policies, and social environment of the child by providing them with consistent caregivers. This will help to imbibe good moral/attitude on the child.
Keywords: Social Perception, Orphange Homes, Child Personality.
Motherless babies have nowadays become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater for themselves find themselves put in the family way they end up abandoning those innocent helpless
babies. The increasing hardship because of the present economic recession has increased the incidence of burden family relationship and the consequent loss of firm control of family members. This has tended as evidence by the increasing number of abandoned babies such babies have become the central focus of the orphanage home the impact of orphanage home on child personality development that is the behaviour pattern of social behaviour on child personality development
An orphan child is one whose parent are no more (dead), desertion, or unable to provide care (UNICEF, 2008). Orphans are the susceptible children, below the age the threats to food, accommodation, health care or to make short their education. A huge number of orphans universally are alive with no natural relations due to diversity of causes together with: death of parents, separation between parents, domestic injurious