Overview Pornography Consumption among Malaysian Viewer

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Overview Pornography Consumption among Malaysian Viewer

Nuraini, N.1, Syaiful, N. A. H.2
1,2 Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract- This research is to identify relationship between accesses to the use of pornography platform with respondent demography and to identify the most suitable social work intervention next apply it to the research. This study applied Pornography Consumption Effects Scale (PCES) consisting 5 components know as Life In General (LIG), Perception towards Opposite Gender (PTOG), and Attitudes towards Sex (ATS), Sex Life (SL) and Sex Knowledge (SK). In this study, total of 1340 respondent from Malaysia between the age of 17 to 64 years old has consume pornography by accident or voluntarily been selected to continue with the research. This study also adapt T-test and ANOVA test to contemplate relationship between accesses to the use of pornography platform with respondent demography. Result from the test show that male have a significant relationship with perception toward gender male and female. However, there a significance relationship with respondent that married and sex knowledge. It is suggested that in this study the most suitable intervention social work and can be applied in this situation are Youth Clinic.

Keywords: Pornography, Consumption, PCES, Malaysia, Adolescent, T-test, ANOVA


Due of being Human is organism with a habit, repeating their action can lead to consequences making human a most unique organism their ability to define what good and bad habit. However there few habits that needs to be monitor and stop as it can cause non beneficial but only bad Consequences to the person. Among bad habit that human usually committee is consuming erotic entertainment. When people consume pornography material, this can become a habit for their mind that leads to consequences to bad action. Pornography usage easily become habitual, as it consume because of the desensitization, boredom, distorted views of reality objectification towards opposite gender. Consuming pornography not only by accidentally or willingness this can lead to numerous consequences, including high risk sexual behavior, sex based crime and perceived harm to consumer [96]


[Pornography Entertainment Influence Gender Sexual Role] Conservative countries like Malaysia, pornography subject are still consider taboo and consume the material are sinful act as the entertainment are immoral individual value and negative social side. Despite the restriction happening, events still occurs discreetly [95].