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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2454-6194

PAPR Reduction by using Modified SLM-PTS Techniques in OFDM

R Anil Kumar, K.L.V. Prasad, S.V.Kiran

IJRISS Call for paper

  Dept of ECE, Aditya College of Engineering & Technology

Abstract:-Communication is one of the important aspects of life. With the advancement of age and its growing demands, there has been rapid growth in the field of communications. Signals, which were initially sent in the analog domain, are being sent more and more in the digital domain these days. For better transmission, even single–carrier waves are being replaced by multi–carriers. Multi–carrier systems like CDMA and OFDM are now a day’s being implemented commonly. OFDM has important advantages in dealing with the frequency selective nature of high data rates. In the OFDM system, orthogonally placed sub–carriers are used to carry the data from transmitter end to receiver end. Presence of guard band in this system deals with the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and noise is minimized by large number of sub–carriers. But the large Peak – to- Average power ratio of these signal have some undesirable effects on the system. In this paper we focused on methods to reduce the PAPR in the system so that this system can be used more commonly and effectively. Due to the fact that OFDM is an underlying technology of most modern wireless communication systems one can use and expand the projects to study not only the OFDM system but also other wireless communication.

Keywords – OFDM, CDMA, ISI, PAPR, guard band.


The concept of OFDM is quite simple but the practically of implementing it has many complexities, so it is a fully software project. OFDM is a digital multi carrier modulation scheme which uses a large number of closely spaced orthogonal sub carriers.

In wireless communication systems the OFDM technique is a widely popular and attractive scheme for high data rate transmission because it can scope with frequency selective fading channel. The modulator and demodulators of OFDM systems can be simply implemented by employing IFFT and FFT to make the overall system efficient and effective. OFDM is a parallel transmission scheme where a high rate serial data stream is split up into a set of low rate sub streams each of which is modulated on a separate sub carriers.

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