Patients’ Relative Satisfaction with Nursing Care: A Case Study of Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Calabar
- January 1, 2021
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: IJRISS, Medical Sciences, Nursing
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Umoh, Edet O. (PhD); Endra, Michael; Otosi, Okosienen; Anake, Monday; Nkanga, Dominic; Unwana, Udomoh; Usani, Patrick; Ejoh, Vincent & Amu, Denis
Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria
Psychiatric nurses like any other caregiver are more answerable to themselves and others for service rendered to their patients. The patients though with abnormal behaviour, have right of quality care and safety and nurses are held liable on failure to provide such. The study adopted a cross sectional, descriptive research design to assess patient relatives’ satisfaction with nursing services in Federal Neuro-psychiatric Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State. Four (4) research questions were raised to direct the course of this study. A total of 58 patients’ relatives who responded to the questionnaire were sampled using convenient sampling procedure. A well validated and reliable questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Data collected was analyzed using frequency counts, simple percentages and mean scores. Finding revealed that there was marked improvement of Patients’ health status prior to grant of trial leave as compared to their health status when they were admitted into the hospital. Nearly all the relatives were very satisfied with the nursing care received by their patients; hence, the relatives indicated that the level of wellness of their patients was very good. Nevertheless, the relatives pointed out some areas that needed to be improved. These include; giving adequate and timely information to relatives regarding their patients, improving on patients’ feeding and cleanliness of Wards through frequent sanitation. Based on these observations, the researcher therefore recommended increase in supervision of activities by the Ward Managers and Supervisors, and encouragement of collaborative service between Nurses and Social Workers to promptly inform relatives over patients’ current information and wellbeing.
A case of satisfaction is derivation of fulfillment and gratification from interaction or employed service. In line with the vision statement of Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, Calabar, nursing service is structured at offering excellent services based on patient and relatives’ satisfaction within and outside the facility. Nevertheless, every care seeker requires high level of joy and attainment from their relationship with caregivers, especially nurses, over management of their family members. Farahani, Shamsikhani and Hezaveh (2014) asserted that the priority of nursing care should be anchored on patient and relatives’ satisfaction during policy and decision making in health care facilities. Among their recommendations, it was included that for every amendment to enhance services, patient and relatives’ opinion should be sought.
It was for the purpose of patients’ relative satisfaction that Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Health established modern hospitals like outpatient facilities, emergency units, psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation services. In addition, she train, staff and equipped