International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Peace and War in Ilaje-Ugbo/Arogbo-Ijaw Relations from the Pre-Colonial Era Up to 1999
Oluwafunke Adeola ADELEYE1, David Olanrewaju OGORU2, Johnson Olaosebikan AREMU (PhD)3
1,2,3Department of History and International Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
Abstract: – This paper examined the twin factors of peace and war that have defined inter-group relations between the Arogbo-Ijaw and Ilaje-Ugbo communities in present-day Ondo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are to: identify the elements of intergroup relations between the two communities; analyse the dynamic nature of relations between the two peoples; highlight the remote and immediate causes of conflict and war in their relations and; suggest ways of restoring harmony and peaceful co-existence between the two ethic groups. Data for the study was generated through primary and secondary sources. The primary sources include archival materials, private diaries of some community leaders as well as unstructured interviews conducted with some informants. These were purposively selected based on their presumed knowledge of the subject-matter of the paper. Secondary data was generated from relevant textbooks and journal articles, as well as newspaper publications, magazines and government publications. These were analysed using qualitative technique of content analysis. Findings revealed that the Ilaje and Ijaw communities have lived together for long as neighbours right from the pre-colonial era till date. They have related in peace through socioeconomic and political interactions for the most part of their existence. The paper noted further that, on at least three occasions, 1848, 1914 and 1998; the two groups were engaged in conflicts and war. These came with attendant carnage and wanton destruction of property. It concluded that only a sincere and careful intervention of Government and Non-Governmental Organisations can bring about a lasting peace in their relationship in the face of conflicting ethnic nationalism of the two groups.
Keywords: Intergroup relations, Arogbo-Ijaw, Ilaje-Ugbo, Nigeria, War, Peace
The history of intergroup relations between the Ilaje-Ugbo and Arogbo-Ijaw in present-day Ondo State of Nigeria is a mixed record of peace and war. The crux of the matter is that the two groups have lived together from time immemorial. As such, the exigencies of proximity, survival and development brought them in close contact with each other. As next door neighbours, people of the two groups related peacefully in the economic, political and social spheres of life for the most part of the pre-colonial era. With the introduction of the British colonial rule in the late 19th Century, relations between them became volatile. Conflicts ensued in interpersonal as well as at group levels due largely to the scramble for resource control, fishing waters and political offices.