RSIS International

Peer Review Education Journal

Submission Deadline: 14th March 2025
March Issue of 2025 : Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline: 20th March 2025
Special Issue on Education & Public Health: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now
Submission Deadline: 05th April 2025
Special Issue on Economics, Management, Psychology, Sociology & Communication: Publication Fee: 30$ USD Submit Now


RSIS International is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal with open-access for international authors since 2012 designed to disseminate cutting-edge knowledge in the areas of education, teaching, learning methodologies, technology in education and learning, educational initiatives and innovations, and development.

A renowned and esteemed research paper publication, RSIS International reaches educators and others interested in innovative ideas and suggestions worldwide. The journal has been advancing educational practice in elementary and secondary schools for over 1 decade now by carefully analysing current trends, analysing novel approaches, assessing established practices, and validating earlier research.

IJRISS Call for paper

Did you know that our team finds problems and poor content in 25% of papers before peer review begins?

Collaborate with a group of independent scholars from around the globe who have been hand-picked for their field expertise by joining our editorial board at RSIS International. Major issues in education are thoroughly examined in special sessions.

Peer Review Policy: Every article has been subjected to a double-anonymised, anonymous review process.

One-Stop-Solution to Promote Academic Research


To publish high-calibre research papers, RSIS International encourages research articles on all facets of education and learning from scholars, educators, trainers, and other practitioners worldwide. It focuses on global challenges and opportunities education faces ultimately aiming to improve the education results.

Teachers, counsellors, administrators, supervisors, curriculum planners, and educational researchers can all benefit greatly from the journal as they think about how to organize curricula for the future.

To guarantee quality, originality, appropriateness, importance, and readability, Education journals that are accepted for publication in RSIS International undergo rigorous peer review.

Submit your research

  • Get your research paper published with us to get a high-impact value for your education journal.

Author Guidelines

  • Ready to publish? For all the information you require regarding submission, from selecting an education journal and section to crafting your manuscript, consult our author guidelines.

Editor Guidelines

  • Reviewing a manuscript? For all the information you want on Frontiers’ peer review procedure, refer to our editorial rules.

Peer review

  • You will receive a decision on your work within a few days thanks to our thorough and effective peer review process.

Publishing fees

  • After a thorough peer review procedure, publications that are approved for publication by our external editors are subject to article processing costs (APCs).

Explore a Wide Range of Education Journals with RSIS International


One can find Education journals with RSIS International covering a variety of topics including child development, curriculum, reading comprehension, educational philosophies, STEM education, instructional technology, technology education, inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, simulation-based learning, pedagogic and educational approaches, learning management, language teaching research, teaching and learning at all school levels and higher education institutions.

Education of special groups, gender and education, educational psychology (emotional, social, and cognitive learning processes), e-learning, computer-supported collaborative work, emerging technologies in education, educational software, and educational games are just a few of the topics covered in this education journal.

Articles offer original insights into:

  • Childhood
  • Communities
  • Curriculum construction and critique
  • Equity and inclusion
  • International and comparative education
  • Leadership
  • The educational experiences of youth, children, and adults worldwide
  • Parental involvement
  • Pedagogy
  • Policy
  • The politics of education
  • Practice
  • Professional lives and work
  • Teachers/teaching
  • Research methodology and theory in education

Perspectives taken include:

  • Geographical
  • Historical
  • Philosophical
  • Psychological

Why Choose RSIS International?


  • Experience: RSIS was established in 2012 as an affordable open-access, peer-reviewed journal with a huge database of quality articles authored by experts and academicians from different academic profiles. With 12+ years of experience, we are a trusted source of knowledge and research with a wide network of 6000+ reviewers across 71 countries.
  • Broad scope: Addresses a variety of educational subjects, such as curriculum, STEM education, language instruction, curriculum creation, and instructional technology.
  • Transparency: Every RSIS International’s article includes the names of the handling editor and reviewers.
  • Free of charge: Openly available to readers everywhere, expanding the scope of your study.
  • Strict peer review: To uphold quality standards, articles are subjected to a comprehensive assessment procedure by subject-matter specialists.
  • Database Indexing: All research papers will be listed in, Google Scholar, RSIS Virtual Library, ISP Digital Library, and many more International Indexing Databases.
  • Emphasis on innovation: Promotes studies on new developments in educational technology and trends.
  • Global Authorship: A massive Global Authorship across 40+ high-income countries occupying the most prominent authorship position.
  • Impact: RSIS International is one of the most cited research paper publications in the world.

Core Values of RSIS International


  • Researcher-centricity: Putting the researcher at the centre of all we do.
  • Cooperation: We are committed to creating communities and empowering one another through teamwork.
  • Innovation: We make audacious decisions, are propelled by innovation and technology, and are always improving.
  • Quality: We are dedicated to the highest standards of quality and are exacting in all that we do.
  • Speed: To get things done, we work quickly and decisively.

RSIS International has established itself among the top research paper publications around the world offering a single platform to meet all your research-related work, especially education journals.

We hope you will consider using RSIS International as your first choice for peer review journals to publish your next education paper.

We appreciate your ongoing interest in what we do.

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