International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
Perception and Attitude towards Online Dating Relationships
F. Rizuan1, C.Azlini2, R. Normala3, M.Y Kamal4, Z.M. Lukman5
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Applied Social Science, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
Abstract – The advancement of technology especially social media had influenced how we communicate in daily lives especially towards our partners. Thus, this study is executed in order to identify the perception and attitude towards online dating relationships among Malaysian. 316 respondents which consisted of Malaysians had taken part in this research. This study uses descriptive analysis and the results are reported in the form of frequency and percentage. The research instrument which is in the questionnaire had been used by the researcher for this study. The study found out that 46.5% of the respondent had the right perception about the online dating relationships. Meanwhile, 52.5% of them gave the positive perception to the online dating of relationship and 61.7% of respondent accepted online dating relationship. The results for attitude towards this type of relationship showed that most of the respondents which amounted to 60.1% did not experience an online relationship. The researcher concluded that even the socially accepted and gave a positive reaction to an online romantic relationship; it does not practice by a lot of people. This situation might happen because the public is aware of the risks getting in an online relationship such as fraud and sexual harassment.
Keyword: Online Dating, Romantic Relationship, Perception, Attitude, Malaysian’s
Online dating was referred to as an alternative to meet the potential partner through various media such as through dedicated websites or online dating application via smartphones [1].The way in which romantic relationships were formed has changed considerably in the past few decades[2].In fact, just within the last 15–20 years, online dating has substantially altered the dating environment [3]. Online dating has proliferated rapidly in the world since it first appeared around 1997 and it later expanded with Web 2.0 technology growth [4].